The view from ... Paganese Nocera
A Paganese by applause
The Paganese also against Benevento confirms the positive moment in the fourth helpful in a row, so the "Tower" stands up to the Samnite armored Pagani reached with ambitions to make the bang never Auditors have to do with the landlord. The landlord in this case is the Campbell-band that, after Juve Stabia, without regretting the street two more points for a win that was deserved. Sunday we saw a superb performance of the blue, similar to previous work that comfort of the technician who stated as a single in its teams, but it is not decisive to the group. Never before at this juncture the Paganese is the emblem of this thesis much sought after and sponsored by the coaches. A benefit under the eyes of many experts concerned by Palumbo and Mirror Technical Di Somma, the DG sweater that have had the opportunity to appreciate more than the Benevento Paganese Soda that has its partial excuse the fact that he played great part of the race with ten men. This does not diminish the value of the performance of Paganese that even before he was keeping the field with ease even the Benevento own in ten took the lead, sull'ennesima ball off. Now these situations are different staining azzurrostellati performance as that of conceding a goal always at the close of the first half. On this neglect must continue to emphasize in training because that is a constant which solves the hard work of a team that is growing in quality and intensity of the game and deserves some victories more. Sunday was waiting for the work of the department saw the inclusion of offensive Zarineh who has given a great deal to do, providing not only depth in the movement but also several very offensive on the front without, however, give the appearance of attacking boa giving reference points to the opponent. The first tip that eventually will provide new atypical variants on the offensive department. Confirmations for the duo instead Fanasca - Lasagna which hitherto had borne on their shoulders the whole weight of the attack. The Paganese, on Sunday, amused the audience at the end he thanked her for the service offered beyond the result, even though I signed sincerely the run for a tie. Afterwards, however, was close to the occasions when I think of berries and especially Lasagna that wasted an incredible opportunity. What comfort is also the physical condition and the game expressed over the capacity of technical change, as always, in the second half the team. It 's a chameleon who galvanizes Paganese in difficult situations with humility and great performance can do. In this analysis, I must dall'elogiare Caracciolo in a player like that is rewriting, along with Berardi, can not remember how many balls he recovered and then restart the operation. A diesel of the median, where the dam insurmountable are shattered all the restarts of Benevento and on the few occasions that filtered the defensive trio Jackdaw, De Giosa Chiavaro and neutralized them in second place. The little big Paganese puts another brick in the wall of salvation, even if now is not let your guard down because the charts said that the road is long, and then also in power want to see the heart, determination and will to the path taken is the right .
Pepper Nocera -
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
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Fine Paganese
The Judge, notary Pasquale Marino, imposed on the Paganese a fine of 900 € "because their fans were introduced and three firecrackers exploded in their field, without consequences."
No nor to disqualify players or other licensed azzurrostellati, while Sunday will be warned by Mirko Taccola, Antonio Esposito and Matthew Legitimate.
The power will be fully booked for Sunday's race, since there is no one on foot by a referee.
The Judge, notary Pasquale Marino, imposed on the Paganese a fine of 900 € "because their fans were introduced and three firecrackers exploded in their field, without consequences."
No nor to disqualify players or other licensed azzurrostellati, while Sunday will be warned by Mirko Taccola, Antonio Esposito and Matthew Legitimate.
The power will be fully booked for Sunday's race, since there is no one on foot by a referee.
Liquor License Act Ontario 2009
to Trapani: "Now the salvation, then Paganese ambitious" (The Morning)
The neo-

The patron confirms the importance of the enlargement of corporate
Pagani . È una Paganese che a piccoli passi si avvicina sempre più al traguardo salvezza. Sul campo la squadra ha dimostrato ancora una volta di essere in salute. Ma è una Paganese che da qualche settimana ha risolto anche i problemi societari. Tutto questo lascia ben sperare. Il presidente Trapani sta allestendo, per il futuro, una società ancora più solida. Dopo Buccino e Zito che, da alcune settimane, sono entrati fattivamente in società nelle ultime ore c'è da registrare anche l'ingresso di altri due imprenditori, Teodosio Pepe, cognato di Trapani ed Alfonso Piccolo cugino del Piccolo president who manages the fortunes of the football five Paganese. A nice win for Trapani that she finally realizes his dream to create a short, broad and a strong company and a team that can fight even in the First Division for important objectives. "We're getting great satisfaction in the field. The team even after the reconstruction of the winter campaign is proving to have the numbers and the potential to do well without too many worries and center of soul salvation. On the corporate front, I have to say I was impressed by the arrival of some employers. I'm happy because my signal has been heard and finally you can make a big Paganese. Buccino, Zito, Pepper is small but is expected in the coming hours the other inputs in society. "It is these entrepreneurs to extend my personal thanks for taking to heart the fate of the club azzurrostellato. They were the first to follow me, and this spring has triggered the positive in other entrepreneurs. As I always said the future looks bright for me. The problems that we had been gripped in recent months were closely linked to the current tournament. Unfortunately, the economic crisis which is affecting all sectors has resulted also in football and the consequences are seen. The Paganese is an asset that must be defended and I tried to operate in sepmre best to never put the balance in corporate governance. It does not help save the field and then fail. " Paganese then has already laid the foundations for the future. A future that includes the general manager and coach D'Eboli Capuano. "On this there is no doubt. These are people who are taking the best and deserve to do this yet in this club. " Meanwhile, today, there is the resumption of training. Sunday will be on stage at the Paganese Power umpteenth clash salvation. Campbell finds the defendant learned that after serving the suspension will revert to. We also expect good news from the Brazilian Diogo. If there are further problems in the ankle power could make his debut.
from The Morning
How Many Units Are There In Cactus Jack
Fiorentino Cup in Viareggio
azzurrostellato midfielder Daniele Fiorentino participate in the tournament in Viareggio. The fact Bari, owner of the card of the player, put him in the list of athletes taking part in the youth event to be held February 9 to 23.
At the end of the tournament, will return to Florence Paganese where he remained until the end of the season.
azzurrostellato midfielder Daniele Fiorentino participate in the tournament in Viareggio. The fact Bari, owner of the card of the player, put him in the list of athletes taking part in the youth event to be held February 9 to 23.
At the end of the tournament, will return to Florence Paganese where he remained until the end of the season.
Cryptic Clue For High Heels
The program will workout
After the good performance on Sunday against Benevento, the team will find itself azzurrostellata this afternoon for the resumption of training with a view of the delicate transfer of power, scheduled for next Sunday.
azzurrostellati observe this training program:
Tuesday 10 : afternoon session at the "City" by Sunset;
Wednesday 11: morning session at the "Tower" Pagani;
Thursday 12 : two seats the "City" by Sunset afternoon with friendly match to be determined;
Friday 13 : afternoon session at the "City" by Sunset;
Saturday 14: morning session in the "tower" of departure for Power and Pagani.
NB the program may vary
After the good performance on Sunday against Benevento, the team will find itself azzurrostellata this afternoon for the resumption of training with a view of the delicate transfer of power, scheduled for next Sunday.
azzurrostellati observe this training program:
Tuesday 10 : afternoon session at the "City" by Sunset;
Wednesday 11: morning session at the "Tower" Pagani;
Thursday 12 : two seats the "City" by Sunset afternoon with friendly match to be determined;
Friday 13 : afternoon session at the "City" by Sunset;
Saturday 14: morning session in the "tower" of departure for Power and Pagani.
NB the program may vary
Monday, February 9, 2009
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The transcripts of
PANTANELLI : His game is very quiet, thanks to the rockiness of their defenders. However, it is still beaten once again by kick. From his experience might give some indication of his companions. VOTE 6
CHIAVARI : dampens the bud tailings garde Sunni attacks. With the continuing disqualification of Leary played very often and did well to pick up the pace game. Capuano likely still rely on him even in the next races. VOTE 6.5
TACCOLA : Always the same discourse. Now the attackers Playing against Paganese know who will play a game in the match with the "wall Jackdaw." But yesterday and evacuated Castaldo took turns in the duel sailed defender, who takes them literally canceled. VOTE 6.5
DE GIOS : The expulsion of the Ciarcià favor because you play a little during the whole second half on the left lane. Give a hand to fellow department and maybe a bit 'too stubborn to stay on after cramps forced him to lie down several times on the green rectangle. VOTE 6
CARACCIOLO: Play endless balls, distributes them to the right e a manca. Compie tutto ciò nel secondo tempo, dopo un primo tempo in cui ha cercato più di frenare il Benevento che di costruire. Intelligentemente, ha cambiato musica quando ha visto che il coltello l'aveva la Paganese dalla parte del manico. VOTO 6.5 (dal 83' IRACI sv)
BERARDI: Forse il peggiore della Paganese, se di peggiore si può parlare. Il suo lavoro è di contenimento, il suo uomo è Cejas che gli è sfuggito alcune volte, una delle quali poteva costare caro, nell'unica occasione avuta dai giallorossi nella ripresa. VOTO 6-
CUCCINIELLO : Stava per ripetere il gran gol messo a segno con la Juve Stabia già al 1', ma questa volta la mira lo tradisce di poco. Dopo un primo tempo in cui si è giocato poco, resta negli spogliatoi per far posto ad un attaccante. VOTO 6
(dal 46' LASAGNA : Entra e alla prima palla giocabile la mette dentro. La concorrenza di Zarineh sembra avergli fatto bene, tanto che si propone molto bene e si veste dei panni di uomo assist nel servire un'ottima palla a Bacchi. Purtroppo la sorte gli gioca un brutto scherzo, quando manda sopra la traversa la più facile delle occasioni. Se non altro ha dato un buon segnale a Capuano per dire che lui comunque c'è. VOTO 7- )
ESPOSITO : Dopo alcune partite iniziate dalla sinistra, back to take his band of competence from the beginning. We believe the disengagement Cucchiara, but unfortunately the field, and a little 'his stubbornness in not serve Fanasca not allow him to score. Makes a sacrifice of performance in the second half, playing much better defensively. VOTE 6
LEGITIMATE : Capuano sent him for the first time since the Pagani field from the first minute. The young man in Lecce performs very well on the left, infuriating Ciarcià that stretches and gotten his second yellow card. Do not take the field in the second half to make way for more pro-Bacchi. VOTE 6
(from 46 ' DIN: Non sa più cosa significa giocare una gara da titolare, ma non protesta, anzi si fa trovare pronto non appena il mister lo butta nella mischia. Ricambia la fiducia fornendo una prestazione sensazionale, cercando prima il gol su suggerimento di Lasagna e ricambiando il favore servendogli la palla dell'incredibile gol sbagliato. VOTO 7 )
FANASCA : Trova finalmente pane per i suoi denti, un attaccante pronto a sfruttare i suoi tremila movimenti in area, anche se c'è ancora da affinare l'intesa con Zarineh. Il gol parte da una sua intuizione, proteggendo palla in area contro due avversari. Oscurato nel secondo tempo da Lasagna, ma sempre supporto fondamentale dello stanco Zarineh. VOTO 6.5
ZARINEH : Finalmente una prima punta! Questo il primo commento che viene da dire al termine della sua gara. Si presenta già al 1' con una sponda perfetta per Cucciniello, seguita da altri stop di petto e palle giocate di testa che sono oro per la Paganese. Fa salire la squadra e diventa con i suoi centimetri la spina nel fianco della retroguardia sannita. Buon esordio. VOTO 6.5
CAPUANO : Il mister capisce dopo l'espulsione di Ciarcià che c'è un bel buco dove poter affondare, e ci mette la frizzantezza di Bacchi. Anche l'ingresso dell'uomo gol Lasagna cambia la gara, così come la scelta di tenere in campo un Caracciolo che improvvisamente lit. VOTE 7.5
Danilo Sanchez -
PANTANELLI : His game is very quiet, thanks to the rockiness of their defenders. However, it is still beaten once again by kick. From his experience might give some indication of his companions. VOTE 6
CHIAVARI : dampens the bud tailings garde Sunni attacks. With the continuing disqualification of Leary played very often and did well to pick up the pace game. Capuano likely still rely on him even in the next races. VOTE 6.5
TACCOLA : Always the same discourse. Now the attackers Playing against Paganese know who will play a game in the match with the "wall Jackdaw." But yesterday and evacuated Castaldo took turns in the duel sailed defender, who takes them literally canceled. VOTE 6.5
DE GIOS : The expulsion of the Ciarcià favor because you play a little during the whole second half on the left lane. Give a hand to fellow department and maybe a bit 'too stubborn to stay on after cramps forced him to lie down several times on the green rectangle. VOTE 6
CARACCIOLO: Play endless balls, distributes them to the right e a manca. Compie tutto ciò nel secondo tempo, dopo un primo tempo in cui ha cercato più di frenare il Benevento che di costruire. Intelligentemente, ha cambiato musica quando ha visto che il coltello l'aveva la Paganese dalla parte del manico. VOTO 6.5 (dal 83' IRACI sv)
BERARDI: Forse il peggiore della Paganese, se di peggiore si può parlare. Il suo lavoro è di contenimento, il suo uomo è Cejas che gli è sfuggito alcune volte, una delle quali poteva costare caro, nell'unica occasione avuta dai giallorossi nella ripresa. VOTO 6-
CUCCINIELLO : Stava per ripetere il gran gol messo a segno con la Juve Stabia già al 1', ma questa volta la mira lo tradisce di poco. Dopo un primo tempo in cui si è giocato poco, resta negli spogliatoi per far posto ad un attaccante. VOTO 6
(dal 46' LASAGNA : Entra e alla prima palla giocabile la mette dentro. La concorrenza di Zarineh sembra avergli fatto bene, tanto che si propone molto bene e si veste dei panni di uomo assist nel servire un'ottima palla a Bacchi. Purtroppo la sorte gli gioca un brutto scherzo, quando manda sopra la traversa la più facile delle occasioni. Se non altro ha dato un buon segnale a Capuano per dire che lui comunque c'è. VOTO 7- )
ESPOSITO : Dopo alcune partite iniziate dalla sinistra, back to take his band of competence from the beginning. We believe the disengagement Cucchiara, but unfortunately the field, and a little 'his stubbornness in not serve Fanasca not allow him to score. Makes a sacrifice of performance in the second half, playing much better defensively. VOTE 6
LEGITIMATE : Capuano sent him for the first time since the Pagani field from the first minute. The young man in Lecce performs very well on the left, infuriating Ciarcià that stretches and gotten his second yellow card. Do not take the field in the second half to make way for more pro-Bacchi. VOTE 6
(from 46 ' DIN: Non sa più cosa significa giocare una gara da titolare, ma non protesta, anzi si fa trovare pronto non appena il mister lo butta nella mischia. Ricambia la fiducia fornendo una prestazione sensazionale, cercando prima il gol su suggerimento di Lasagna e ricambiando il favore servendogli la palla dell'incredibile gol sbagliato. VOTO 7 )
FANASCA : Trova finalmente pane per i suoi denti, un attaccante pronto a sfruttare i suoi tremila movimenti in area, anche se c'è ancora da affinare l'intesa con Zarineh. Il gol parte da una sua intuizione, proteggendo palla in area contro due avversari. Oscurato nel secondo tempo da Lasagna, ma sempre supporto fondamentale dello stanco Zarineh. VOTO 6.5
ZARINEH : Finalmente una prima punta! Questo il primo commento che viene da dire al termine della sua gara. Si presenta già al 1' con una sponda perfetta per Cucciniello, seguita da altri stop di petto e palle giocate di testa che sono oro per la Paganese. Fa salire la squadra e diventa con i suoi centimetri la spina nel fianco della retroguardia sannita. Buon esordio. VOTO 6.5
CAPUANO : Il mister capisce dopo l'espulsione di Ciarcià che c'è un bel buco dove poter affondare, e ci mette la frizzantezza di Bacchi. Anche l'ingresso dell'uomo gol Lasagna cambia la gara, così come la scelta di tenere in campo un Caracciolo che improvvisamente lit. VOTE 7.5
Danilo Sanchez -
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available from tomorrow Tickets power
will be on sale from tomorrow afternoon through TicketOne, coupons input power to watch the race - Paganese , on Sunday 15.
The cost of the ticket for the industry guests will be € 14 + € 1.40 for right advance. In Pagani the store is located in the Mezzanine Bar Via Alcide De Gasperi, 401.
Gianluca Russo -
will be on sale from tomorrow afternoon through TicketOne, coupons input power to watch the race - Paganese , on Sunday 15.
The cost of the ticket for the industry guests will be € 14 + € 1.40 for right advance. In Pagani the store is located in the Mezzanine Bar Via Alcide De Gasperi, 401.
Gianluca Russo -
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The comment of the two coaches
RAFFAELE COUNCIL Pagani . E ' Capuano is a happy one that appears in the press room. It 'not only the goal of overtaking the Paganese but was able to recover first and then to keep up with the more illustrious opponents. "The game saw it all. My team managed to hold off a very respectable opponent who struggles to go to Serie B. I'm just sorry because we have had at least two scoring they would have deserved a better fate. In the field there were two totally different teams. Them with so many top players and while we experience in the field with so many young people but with a big desire to arrive. If we look at the cost of the two teams I think we can be very happy. " After the goal the coach has "read" the game well by making changes then eventually rewarded. "What I did in the second half I had already in mind but to be honest in every race you have to read situations well and try to affect the points where the opponents are weak. The inclusion of Lasagna was a move that I had in mind. He gave more lively in attack by losing the compass to the department's defensive Benevento. We played good football and no doubt I would say that we have them canceled. It had already happened with Juve Stabia and also against the Benevento was repeated. The Paganese is now the team playing the best football of the group. At this rate, and the desire that accompanies us in the end I think we hit our target. " The new arrival, the attacker Zerineh adds. "It was the first tip that we were missing. It 'been good at picking up the team and take the ball. Working can give us what we expect from him. "
Envoy Pagani. Although the Benevento has been reached, then squandering the opportunities given to him from overtaking Juve Stabia author of half a miracle in extremnis Gallipoli, and technical societies take the point well made against Paganese. "Given the numerical inferiority that has marked the two-thirds of our game - he says the technical Soda - the result is fine for us. Of course, I wonder how it would end if he had not done Ciarcià eject! You obvious that in ten, before a Paganese well organized, it was hard to resist, something must be granted on the outside. However - notes Giallorossi coach - the team I liked, has always been compact, I saw her reaction to the point that he tried again to win the race, showing he had been metabolized the necessary winning mentality. " Speaks of "excellent result" even the President Oreste Vigorito. It explains why: "It was a difficult area, in poor condition, we had no fans in tow, then the expulsion, you will realize that it was hard to emerge unscathed from the Tower. And then, not that the Benevento can win every game. " So, your gaze runs già al prossimo impegno: «Domenica riceviamo il Crotone, è una partita che vale il triplo». g. de bla.
da Il Mattino
RAFFAELE COUNCIL Pagani . E ' Capuano is a happy one that appears in the press room. It 'not only the goal of overtaking the Paganese but was able to recover first and then to keep up with the more illustrious opponents. "The game saw it all. My team managed to hold off a very respectable opponent who struggles to go to Serie B. I'm just sorry because we have had at least two scoring they would have deserved a better fate. In the field there were two totally different teams. Them with so many top players and while we experience in the field with so many young people but with a big desire to arrive. If we look at the cost of the two teams I think we can be very happy. " After the goal the coach has "read" the game well by making changes then eventually rewarded. "What I did in the second half I had already in mind but to be honest in every race you have to read situations well and try to affect the points where the opponents are weak. The inclusion of Lasagna was a move that I had in mind. He gave more lively in attack by losing the compass to the department's defensive Benevento. We played good football and no doubt I would say that we have them canceled. It had already happened with Juve Stabia and also against the Benevento was repeated. The Paganese is now the team playing the best football of the group. At this rate, and the desire that accompanies us in the end I think we hit our target. " The new arrival, the attacker Zerineh adds. "It was the first tip that we were missing. It 'been good at picking up the team and take the ball. Working can give us what we expect from him. "
Envoy Pagani. Although the Benevento has been reached, then squandering the opportunities given to him from overtaking Juve Stabia author of half a miracle in extremnis Gallipoli, and technical societies take the point well made against Paganese. "Given the numerical inferiority that has marked the two-thirds of our game - he says the technical Soda - the result is fine for us. Of course, I wonder how it would end if he had not done Ciarcià eject! You obvious that in ten, before a Paganese well organized, it was hard to resist, something must be granted on the outside. However - notes Giallorossi coach - the team I liked, has always been compact, I saw her reaction to the point that he tried again to win the race, showing he had been metabolized the necessary winning mentality. " Speaks of "excellent result" even the President Oreste Vigorito. It explains why: "It was a difficult area, in poor condition, we had no fans in tow, then the expulsion, you will realize that it was hard to emerge unscathed from the Tower. And then, not that the Benevento can win every game. " So, your gaze runs già al prossimo impegno: «Domenica riceviamo il Crotone, è una partita che vale il triplo». g. de bla.
da Il Mattino
List Win & Win Risers
The transcripts of The Morning
Bacchi Zarineh ago by the best and boa forward
PANTANELLI 6: He did not have to shoulder a super job: in addition to scoring recessed risked being cheat by Castaldo, but nothing more
CHIAVARI 6: In crescendo. Moreover, if the attack was hardly ever giallorosso insidious not only because he was outnumbered
LEGITIMATE 5.5 : Ciarcià bird already had a couple of occasions. The best thing is to have caused the expulsion of the opponent
BACCHI 7: That's what they want Capuano, always ready to the task. Posted after the break, he tried to score, forcing a large intervention Mondini, then served in the cadeau Lasagna for KAPPAO (failure) of the deputy leaders, nor has worried Statella
6.5 CARACCIOLO: slashes illuminating
DE GIOS 6.5: Castaldo has lost just once and found lethal
TACCOLA 6: Fight to the white with evacuation
ESPOSITO 6: Author of assistive for equal, less well when he had to realize
BERARDI 5.5 : He struggled against Cejas
ZARINEH 6.5 : Fa mark, brings the team with 195 cm allows efficient variant tactic
Fanasca 5.5 : Half time inconsistent, not as bad in the second
Cucciniello 5.5: Wasted opportunity in the opening, then gives way to Lasagna. It leaves no regrets
LASAGNA 6.5 : Stamp the same, then it must biting his knuckles for failing to exploit the
Gianni De Blasio - The Morning
Bacchi Zarineh ago by the best and boa forward
PANTANELLI 6: He did not have to shoulder a super job: in addition to scoring recessed risked being cheat by Castaldo, but nothing more
CHIAVARI 6: In crescendo. Moreover, if the attack was hardly ever giallorosso insidious not only because he was outnumbered
LEGITIMATE 5.5 : Ciarcià bird already had a couple of occasions. The best thing is to have caused the expulsion of the opponent
BACCHI 7: That's what they want Capuano, always ready to the task. Posted after the break, he tried to score, forcing a large intervention Mondini, then served in the cadeau Lasagna for KAPPAO (failure) of the deputy leaders, nor has worried Statella
6.5 CARACCIOLO: slashes illuminating
DE GIOS 6.5: Castaldo has lost just once and found lethal
TACCOLA 6: Fight to the white with evacuation
ESPOSITO 6: Author of assistive for equal, less well when he had to realize
BERARDI 5.5 : He struggled against Cejas
ZARINEH 6.5 : Fa mark, brings the team with 195 cm allows efficient variant tactic
Fanasca 5.5 : Half time inconsistent, not as bad in the second
Cucciniello 5.5: Wasted opportunity in the opening, then gives way to Lasagna. It leaves no regrets
LASAGNA 6.5 : Stamp the same, then it must biting his knuckles for failing to exploit the
Gianni De Blasio - The Morning
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Trapani: "We will build a great Paganese" (Il Mattino)
Pagani. È mancata solo la vittoria. Gridano vendetta ancora i tiri di Bacchi e Lasagna che per bravura di Mondini nella prima circostanza e poca precisione dell'avanti di casa nella seconda hanno fatto si che la gioia del popolo paganese non si completasse. Il Benevento?. Ha dimostrato di essere squadra cinica e capace di restare sorniona per quasi un ora ma di capitalizzare al massimo l'occasione che gli si presenta. Castaldo, sempre lui. All'andata decise il match yesterday at the "Tower" was to provide an encore. It would have been a steal at the end because if a team deserved to win that was the team azzurrostellata. The usual lasagna, substitute in the second half, has removed the chestnuts from the fire even if it weighs a ton sull'attaccante Catania match point that failed to close with Mondini now out of question. "I want to see her again that action because I was not even explain how the ball can be lifted over the crossbar. I calculated the time well and I found myself at the right time to get that ball. I hit a shot with the secure knowledge that you have centered in the middle of the ball. But when I saw that the ball is lifted over the bar I felt my heart in my throat. I'm sorry because I wanted to give a great satisfaction to our fans. Sin. " A Paganese that species in the second half was as devastating as we confirm Fanasca. "We deserved the win because we wanted from the first minute. Unfortunately, this also happens in football. On one occasion we were punished and then we were forced to follow. It was not easy to recover against this team and also because the field which was in poor condition, had become heavy and uneven. Often, the ball took on strange trajectories and this has helped. All in all accept this because they won a tie against a big team fighting for the championship. At this rate, salvation does not escape us. " In the press room Trapani also has the president is continuing to work for the construction of a large corporation. "I'm glad for what the team gave against Benevento. A little 'sorry for the result but we are on track to reach our goal. It was important to provide continuity of results after the victory of Pistoia and this would, however, draw the chart. Nowadays I feel more at peace because the answers from the local entrepreneurial class that I expected coming. This means that in the future we will build a large Paganese.
from The Morning
Pagani. È mancata solo la vittoria. Gridano vendetta ancora i tiri di Bacchi e Lasagna che per bravura di Mondini nella prima circostanza e poca precisione dell'avanti di casa nella seconda hanno fatto si che la gioia del popolo paganese non si completasse. Il Benevento?. Ha dimostrato di essere squadra cinica e capace di restare sorniona per quasi un ora ma di capitalizzare al massimo l'occasione che gli si presenta. Castaldo, sempre lui. All'andata decise il match yesterday at the "Tower" was to provide an encore. It would have been a steal at the end because if a team deserved to win that was the team azzurrostellata. The usual lasagna, substitute in the second half, has removed the chestnuts from the fire even if it weighs a ton sull'attaccante Catania match point that failed to close with Mondini now out of question. "I want to see her again that action because I was not even explain how the ball can be lifted over the crossbar. I calculated the time well and I found myself at the right time to get that ball. I hit a shot with the secure knowledge that you have centered in the middle of the ball. But when I saw that the ball is lifted over the bar I felt my heart in my throat. I'm sorry because I wanted to give a great satisfaction to our fans. Sin. " A Paganese that species in the second half was as devastating as we confirm Fanasca. "We deserved the win because we wanted from the first minute. Unfortunately, this also happens in football. On one occasion we were punished and then we were forced to follow. It was not easy to recover against this team and also because the field which was in poor condition, had become heavy and uneven. Often, the ball took on strange trajectories and this has helped. All in all accept this because they won a tie against a big team fighting for the championship. At this rate, salvation does not escape us. " In the press room Trapani also has the president is continuing to work for the construction of a large corporation. "I'm glad for what the team gave against Benevento. A little 'sorry for the result but we are on track to reach our goal. It was important to provide continuity of results after the victory of Pistoia and this would, however, draw the chart. Nowadays I feel more at peace because the answers from the local entrepreneurial class that I expected coming. This means that in the future we will build a large Paganese.
from The Morning
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The Benevento Ten Paganese wastes (The Morning)
Pagani. Solomonic balance between Paganese and Benevento, the result of a question and answer accrued at the close of the first time and start shooting. Of course, both sides are entitled to a bit of regret, perhaps with a slight prevalence of the team led by volcanic Eziolino Capuano. Ten minutes from time, Lasagna, who had comforted the full insight of his coach, has agreed to be punctual at the center of the 'chocolate' offered by Bacchi almost from the baseline, well, striker Paganese, in absolute isolation, succeeded in sending the ball over the cross, thanks a Mondini now voted for the worst. For its part, the deputy leaders has played in just one hour outnumbered, because the expulsion of Ciarcià took place at 35 'for the first tranche. In a few minutes, the former rookie Salerno has committed two fouls from behind, remediating two yellow cards. However, was a very tactical match, fragmented for many fouls, played with zeal and animosity, never, however, encroached beyond the perimeter of substantive fairness. Capuano has ordered the azzurrostellati according to the usual 3-5-2, changing the structure at the restart, when the Paganese was in camp with the 3-4-1-2 with Fanasca back behind the two strikers Zarineh and Lasagna. Soda, however, has relied on the tried and tested 4-4-2, throwing into the fray immediately Ciarcià the new acquisition, as well as other news Evacu from the start. The Benevento, who has not benefited from the support of their fans, to whom the 'Tower' has been denied, he immediately understood that was not a walk, being in the presence of a team, the success gerovitalizzata hit the delay in Pistoia, but above that considers the organization of play and tenacity of his best weapons. Those, in effect, which are essential if you want to try to break the technical gap that divides a team working as an opponent of the Paganese stuffed with fancy names like, in fact, the Benevento. Just 2 minutes and the home side could already unlock the match: Zarineh a giraffone of 195 cm, is the tower for Cucciniello, not profits of the tear open in the Sunni rearguard, shooting and ball crooked to the side. But the eleven Soda is organized now, in midfield and De Liguori Cejas are a fury, succeeding dab in the superiority of the department of Salerno. This game is balanced, authorizing Ciarcià omen right then destroys all the nonsense with which it was said. On 39 'another occasion for the home team: De Liguori, single coverage, not the pick, but Edwards is taken off line. At 43 'passes the Benevento: Cejas kick of the trocar, long ball, apparently called out by the defenders azzurrostellati, not Landaida, however, that backing is screwed to head back to the turn of winning Castaldo. The Paganese falls from rest with the air fair, taking advantage of some uncertainty of Benevento. Runs on 4 ', Edwards puts in half low shot for Lasagna, very ready to turn at the intersection. Follow a gem of Castaldo, ball lapping the far post, an excellent speech on Mondini Bacchi, and the performance in a negative Lasagna. The point, however, bonus targets of both.
from The Morning
Pagani. Solomonic balance between Paganese and Benevento, the result of a question and answer accrued at the close of the first time and start shooting. Of course, both sides are entitled to a bit of regret, perhaps with a slight prevalence of the team led by volcanic Eziolino Capuano. Ten minutes from time, Lasagna, who had comforted the full insight of his coach, has agreed to be punctual at the center of the 'chocolate' offered by Bacchi almost from the baseline, well, striker Paganese, in absolute isolation, succeeded in sending the ball over the cross, thanks a Mondini now voted for the worst. For its part, the deputy leaders has played in just one hour outnumbered, because the expulsion of Ciarcià took place at 35 'for the first tranche. In a few minutes, the former rookie Salerno has committed two fouls from behind, remediating two yellow cards. However, was a very tactical match, fragmented for many fouls, played with zeal and animosity, never, however, encroached beyond the perimeter of substantive fairness. Capuano has ordered the azzurrostellati according to the usual 3-5-2, changing the structure at the restart, when the Paganese was in camp with the 3-4-1-2 with Fanasca back behind the two strikers Zarineh and Lasagna. Soda, however, has relied on the tried and tested 4-4-2, throwing into the fray immediately Ciarcià the new acquisition, as well as other news Evacu from the start. The Benevento, who has not benefited from the support of their fans, to whom the 'Tower' has been denied, he immediately understood that was not a walk, being in the presence of a team, the success gerovitalizzata hit the delay in Pistoia, but above that considers the organization of play and tenacity of his best weapons. Those, in effect, which are essential if you want to try to break the technical gap that divides a team working as an opponent of the Paganese stuffed with fancy names like, in fact, the Benevento. Just 2 minutes and the home side could already unlock the match: Zarineh a giraffone of 195 cm, is the tower for Cucciniello, not profits of the tear open in the Sunni rearguard, shooting and ball crooked to the side. But the eleven Soda is organized now, in midfield and De Liguori Cejas are a fury, succeeding dab in the superiority of the department of Salerno. This game is balanced, authorizing Ciarcià omen right then destroys all the nonsense with which it was said. On 39 'another occasion for the home team: De Liguori, single coverage, not the pick, but Edwards is taken off line. At 43 'passes the Benevento: Cejas kick of the trocar, long ball, apparently called out by the defenders azzurrostellati, not Landaida, however, that backing is screwed to head back to the turn of winning Castaldo. The Paganese falls from rest with the air fair, taking advantage of some uncertainty of Benevento. Runs on 4 ', Edwards puts in half low shot for Lasagna, very ready to turn at the intersection. Follow a gem of Castaldo, ball lapping the far post, an excellent speech on Mondini Bacchi, and the performance in a negative Lasagna. The point, however, bonus targets of both.
from The Morning
Sunday, February 8, 2009
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Results and standings after the 21st day
AREZZO - POWER 2-0 - 8'st Earth, Bondi 30'st
CROTONE - Caves Mon 09 - h. 20.45
FOGGIA - FOLIGNO 2-2 - 27 'De Paula (FOL), 36'pt Germinal (F), 14'st Small (F), 35'st Coresi up rig (FOL)
GALLIPOLI - Juve Stabia 1-1 - 9'pt Russo (G), 46'st Biancolina (J)
Paganese - BENEVENTO 1-1 - 44'pt Castaldo (B), 4'st Lasagna (P )
Perugia - Pescara 0-0
TARANTO - REAL MARCIANISE 1-0 - 46'st Da Silva
TERNANA - SORRENTO 2-1 - 42'pt, 32'st Perna (T) - 38 ' st Fialdini (S)
V. LAUNCH - PISTOIESE 1-0 - 26'pt Margarita
AREZZO - POWER 2-0 - 8'st Earth, Bondi 30'st
CROTONE - Caves Mon 09 - h. 20.45
FOGGIA - FOLIGNO 2-2 - 27 'De Paula (FOL), 36'pt Germinal (F), 14'st Small (F), 35'st Coresi up rig (FOL)
GALLIPOLI - Juve Stabia 1-1 - 9'pt Russo (G), 46'st Biancolina (J)
Paganese - BENEVENTO 1-1 - 44'pt Castaldo (B), 4'st Lasagna (P )
Perugia - Pescara 0-0
TARANTO - REAL MARCIANISE 1-0 - 46'st Da Silva
TERNANA - SORRENTO 2-1 - 42'pt, 32'st Perna (T) - 38 ' st Fialdini (S)
V. LAUNCH - PISTOIESE 1-0 - 26'pt Margarita
classification: Gallipoli 41, 40 Arezzo, Benevento 40, Croton 36 *, 32 * Cavese, Foggia 32, 27 Ternana, R. Marcianse 27, Paganese 26, Perugia 26, Pescara 25 **, 25 Sorrento, V. Lancaster 24, 23 Taranto, Juve Stabia 22 ***, 21 Foligno, Power 15 ****, 14 Pistoiese
a game in hand *, ** 1 point penalty, penalty points 2 ***, ** ** 3 penalty points
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Paganese-Benevento 1-1: the chronicle of
The story of race in the words of DS Mariotti: "We could have done better, but it could be worse"
Paganese: Pantanelli, Chiavari, Legitimate (46 'Bacchi), Caracciolo (83' Iraci ), De Giosa (K), Jackdaw, Edwards, Berardi, Zarineh, Fanasca, Cucchiara (46 'Lasagna). Facilities: Melillo, Astarita, Capodaglio, Fiorentino. Herds Capuano
BENEVENTO: Mondini, Cattaneo, Colombini, Landaida, Ignoffo, De Liguori (K) (85 'Cinelli) Ciarcià, Cejas, Castaldo, evacuated (70' Bueno), Palermo (53 'Statella). Facilities: Conrad, Ferraro, Carcione, Clement. Herds Soda
Referee: Mr Daniel Duties of the sect. of Roma1. Assistants: Sigg. Fontanarosa Alberto Minardi Marco Brindisi and Taranto
NOTES: Attendance about 2000 (available for industry guests closed CASMS). RECOVERY: 2 '- 2'. CORNERS: 1-0. Booked: Jackdaw (P), Legitimate (P), evacuated (B), Berardi (P), Edwards (P). EXPELLED: Ciarcià (B) for a second yellow card
Il Benevento porta via da Pagani un punto importante, soprattutto in virtù del pareggio casalingo del Gallipoli fermato dalla Juve Stabia. La sintesi della gara ci viene fornita dal Direttore Sportivo dei giallorossi Massimo Mariotto che nell’immediato dopo gara si è subito messo in viaggio per Firenze dove domani rappresenterà la società sannita nell’elezione del Presidente di Lega Pro.
Lo ricordiamo solo per onor di cronaca: a venir rieletto sarà il ragionier Macalli, unico candidato nella solita “elezione bulgara” . Ma questa è un accenno tutto nostro, in nessun modo riferibile a parole sull’argomento della società o dei giallorossi leaders.
Returning to the race, Massimo Mariotto sums up the 90 'of Marcello Torre : "We could have done better, but there could be worse."
But first things first, starting from the dreaded harsh Mariotto is clear and explicit.
"First of all I wish to emphasize the warm welcome received by the city of Pagan and society Paganese. A society that our friend, from our arrival until departure, did not miss anything. With great spirit of hospitality. "
The race, however, was a battle blow by blow and the sums Mariotto.
"Unfortunately, the field was a bit 'heavy and we were not favored. In any case, we started well, playing to his face in the first half hour and also creating something good. Then, around 30 'has changed the race for the expulsion of Ciarcià. An incident that has cost the economy of the race. "
Specifically we address the speech of red outside Sunni.
"Well, Ciarcià playing in a field very muddy and it caused him trouble. Has remedied the first yellow card for a split operation. Subsequently lost in the rush to retrieve the ball and made a new fault, marked its execution by the slipperiness of the ground. It must be said, however, that the player was naive because in that situation would try to take more to curb the competitive impetus in view of the previous card. Too much competition that could cost us dear because, then, it was hard to continue in 10. We were only half an hour the first time. However, the team responded well and soon took the lead on the development of a kick with Cejas Landaida that served as the back at the center for insertion of Castaldo. "
At that point was to take the equivalent of an angry reaction Paganese.
"Yes indeed it was. Under the pressure of the home crowd's team Capuano has accelerated the pace. The technician put Salerno Bacchi left and fielded striker Lasagna of which I know the undoubted quality techniques to have him with me to Vibo. A very strong player who had not left the start to some problems in the back. "
In fact, it was the former striker Vibonese the author of the equalizer.
"The Paganese in the second half started very strong and we suffered a bit ', failing to come out well. There was probably a small oversight on a raid dei padroni di casa e Lasagna si è inserito benissimo per la battuta a rete.”
Nel frattempo anche Soda aveva preso le sue contromisure.
“Soda ha inserito Statella largo a destra, spostato Colombini largo a sinistra per sopperire all’uomo in meno.”
Ma non solo, un certo clamore ha destato nei tifosi all’ascolto della radiocronaca, il cambio Evacuo-Bueno.
“Niente di scandaloso. Evacuo aveva speso tantissimo perché dopo l’espulsione è stato il terminale dell’azione su cui cadevano le responsabilità di far rifiatare la squadra. Inoltre Bueno quando è entrato ha fatto in pieno la sua parte ed al 92’ was preceded by a whisker on a cross Colombini. For very little was unable to give us victory. Previously, however, it is right to highlight that he had failed a Paganese occasionissima with your Lasagna. "
In the end a draw in the light of the story of the manager there is all red and yellow.
"I repeat: we could have done better, but there could be worse. You have to take this as a good result because it accrued on a difficult field and in difficult conditions. The results of the other fields are positive and all together we must continue to fight, bite the bullet and deal Sunday after Sunday, because no one gives or will give us anything. "
Editor of
The story of race in the words of DS Mariotti: "We could have done better, but it could be worse"
Paganese: Pantanelli, Chiavari, Legitimate (46 'Bacchi), Caracciolo (83' Iraci ), De Giosa (K), Jackdaw, Edwards, Berardi, Zarineh, Fanasca, Cucchiara (46 'Lasagna). Facilities: Melillo, Astarita, Capodaglio, Fiorentino. Herds Capuano
BENEVENTO: Mondini, Cattaneo, Colombini, Landaida, Ignoffo, De Liguori (K) (85 'Cinelli) Ciarcià, Cejas, Castaldo, evacuated (70' Bueno), Palermo (53 'Statella). Facilities: Conrad, Ferraro, Carcione, Clement. Herds Soda
Referee: Mr Daniel Duties of the sect. of Roma1. Assistants: Sigg. Fontanarosa Alberto Minardi Marco Brindisi and Taranto
NOTES: Attendance about 2000 (available for industry guests closed CASMS). RECOVERY: 2 '- 2'. CORNERS: 1-0. Booked: Jackdaw (P), Legitimate (P), evacuated (B), Berardi (P), Edwards (P). EXPELLED: Ciarcià (B) for a second yellow card
Il Benevento porta via da Pagani un punto importante, soprattutto in virtù del pareggio casalingo del Gallipoli fermato dalla Juve Stabia. La sintesi della gara ci viene fornita dal Direttore Sportivo dei giallorossi Massimo Mariotto che nell’immediato dopo gara si è subito messo in viaggio per Firenze dove domani rappresenterà la società sannita nell’elezione del Presidente di Lega Pro.
Lo ricordiamo solo per onor di cronaca: a venir rieletto sarà il ragionier Macalli, unico candidato nella solita “elezione bulgara” . Ma questa è un accenno tutto nostro, in nessun modo riferibile a parole sull’argomento della società o dei giallorossi leaders.
Returning to the race, Massimo Mariotto sums up the 90 'of Marcello Torre : "We could have done better, but there could be worse."
But first things first, starting from the dreaded harsh Mariotto is clear and explicit.
"First of all I wish to emphasize the warm welcome received by the city of Pagan and society Paganese. A society that our friend, from our arrival until departure, did not miss anything. With great spirit of hospitality. "
The race, however, was a battle blow by blow and the sums Mariotto.
"Unfortunately, the field was a bit 'heavy and we were not favored. In any case, we started well, playing to his face in the first half hour and also creating something good. Then, around 30 'has changed the race for the expulsion of Ciarcià. An incident that has cost the economy of the race. "
Specifically we address the speech of red outside Sunni.
"Well, Ciarcià playing in a field very muddy and it caused him trouble. Has remedied the first yellow card for a split operation. Subsequently lost in the rush to retrieve the ball and made a new fault, marked its execution by the slipperiness of the ground. It must be said, however, that the player was naive because in that situation would try to take more to curb the competitive impetus in view of the previous card. Too much competition that could cost us dear because, then, it was hard to continue in 10. We were only half an hour the first time. However, the team responded well and soon took the lead on the development of a kick with Cejas Landaida that served as the back at the center for insertion of Castaldo. "
At that point was to take the equivalent of an angry reaction Paganese.
"Yes indeed it was. Under the pressure of the home crowd's team Capuano has accelerated the pace. The technician put Salerno Bacchi left and fielded striker Lasagna of which I know the undoubted quality techniques to have him with me to Vibo. A very strong player who had not left the start to some problems in the back. "
In fact, it was the former striker Vibonese the author of the equalizer.
"The Paganese in the second half started very strong and we suffered a bit ', failing to come out well. There was probably a small oversight on a raid dei padroni di casa e Lasagna si è inserito benissimo per la battuta a rete.”
Nel frattempo anche Soda aveva preso le sue contromisure.
“Soda ha inserito Statella largo a destra, spostato Colombini largo a sinistra per sopperire all’uomo in meno.”
Ma non solo, un certo clamore ha destato nei tifosi all’ascolto della radiocronaca, il cambio Evacuo-Bueno.
“Niente di scandaloso. Evacuo aveva speso tantissimo perché dopo l’espulsione è stato il terminale dell’azione su cui cadevano le responsabilità di far rifiatare la squadra. Inoltre Bueno quando è entrato ha fatto in pieno la sua parte ed al 92’ was preceded by a whisker on a cross Colombini. For very little was unable to give us victory. Previously, however, it is right to highlight that he had failed a Paganese occasionissima with your Lasagna. "
In the end a draw in the light of the story of the manager there is all red and yellow.
"I repeat: we could have done better, but there could be worse. You have to take this as a good result because it accrued on a difficult field and in difficult conditions. The results of the other fields are positive and all together we must continue to fight, bite the bullet and deal Sunday after Sunday, because no one gives or will give us anything. "
Editor of
Linsey Dawn Mc Kenzie John Terry
Paganese-Benevento 1-1: the chronicle of
Al "Marcello Torre" the scene is the derby between azzurrostellati number thirty and came across yellow and red with the first in the fourteen meetings between the walls of friends where they racked up nine wins and five draws. The Sunnis for their part in this championship, come from four consecutive victories (although three achieved "Santa Colomba") and networks are not affected by last December 14 in draw (1-1) Cava de 'Tirreni.
Coming to the match today, Mr. Capuano, who was forced to renounce to learn is part of the first minute Diogo Felipe sull'out Legitimate left of midfield. Beginning to knit azzurrostellata Zarineh. On the opposing side
, however, the soda Spalletti, compared to the competition with the Taranto sent on Ciarcià and discharged in place of top scorer and Statella Clemente.
Paganese immediately dangerous to start playing. Just over sixty seconds when a cross from Caracciolo, Zarineh, in elevation, leaning back to Cucciniello the conclusion of which touches the boundary of the pile just to the left of Mondini. At 10 'is always the striker azzurrostellato to get noticed with a cross-shot from a tight angle on which Mondini makes good guard. This leads to 34 'when Ciarcià, as happened two minutes prior to the detriment of Zarineh, commits a foul from behind on Legitimate. Other yellow card and advance to the outside shower on his debut in red and yellow. But despite the numerical inferiority, the Benevento took the lead at the first opportunity. He runs the 42 'when Landaida, the bottom line, is back with a diagonal Castaldo that exceeds Pantanelli. At the beginning of the recovery
technical azzurrostellato Campbell operates two substitutions and surrogate Legitimate and Cucciniello with berries and Lasagna. And after three rounds of the hands is precisely the latter to balance the fate of the match. Cross the bottom of Caracciolo, Edwards ball to that area extension, ball Lasagna that, half turn, leaves no way to Mondini and his unbeaten record. They spend another seven minutes and a try but his shot is Caracciolo from the edge is strong, but central to worry the ultimate host. Other one hundred and twenty seconds to become dangerous and is Castaldo whose diagonal ends just wide. They are, however, Paganese of the two following occasions delicious. The first to 20 'with a ball sull'out Lasagna working right and opens to the left to the onrushing Bacchi that, however, from an excellent position you neutralize the conclusion by Mondini. The roles are reversed at 34 'when it is outside, with a cross to kiss, to serve the former striker Vibonese that, alone, sends sills incredibly high. That concludes the race, with Paganese that leaves the playing field between the thunderous applause of their supporters and the great merit of not having to nothing disfigured, indeed quite the opposite, in front of the millionaire Benevento and that is why the draw, although azzurrostellati had deserved the whole place has a double significance.
Gianluca Russo -
Al "Marcello Torre" the scene is the derby between azzurrostellati number thirty and came across yellow and red with the first in the fourteen meetings between the walls of friends where they racked up nine wins and five draws. The Sunnis for their part in this championship, come from four consecutive victories (although three achieved "Santa Colomba") and networks are not affected by last December 14 in draw (1-1) Cava de 'Tirreni.
Coming to the match today, Mr. Capuano, who was forced to renounce to learn is part of the first minute Diogo Felipe sull'out Legitimate left of midfield. Beginning to knit azzurrostellata Zarineh. On the opposing side
, however, the soda Spalletti, compared to the competition with the Taranto sent on Ciarcià and discharged in place of top scorer and Statella Clemente.
Paganese immediately dangerous to start playing. Just over sixty seconds when a cross from Caracciolo, Zarineh, in elevation, leaning back to Cucciniello the conclusion of which touches the boundary of the pile just to the left of Mondini. At 10 'is always the striker azzurrostellato to get noticed with a cross-shot from a tight angle on which Mondini makes good guard. This leads to 34 'when Ciarcià, as happened two minutes prior to the detriment of Zarineh, commits a foul from behind on Legitimate. Other yellow card and advance to the outside shower on his debut in red and yellow. But despite the numerical inferiority, the Benevento took the lead at the first opportunity. He runs the 42 'when Landaida, the bottom line, is back with a diagonal Castaldo that exceeds Pantanelli. At the beginning of the recovery
technical azzurrostellato Campbell operates two substitutions and surrogate Legitimate and Cucciniello with berries and Lasagna. And after three rounds of the hands is precisely the latter to balance the fate of the match. Cross the bottom of Caracciolo, Edwards ball to that area extension, ball Lasagna that, half turn, leaves no way to Mondini and his unbeaten record. They spend another seven minutes and a try but his shot is Caracciolo from the edge is strong, but central to worry the ultimate host. Other one hundred and twenty seconds to become dangerous and is Castaldo whose diagonal ends just wide. They are, however, Paganese of the two following occasions delicious. The first to 20 'with a ball sull'out Lasagna working right and opens to the left to the onrushing Bacchi that, however, from an excellent position you neutralize the conclusion by Mondini. The roles are reversed at 34 'when it is outside, with a cross to kiss, to serve the former striker Vibonese that, alone, sends sills incredibly high. That concludes the race, with Paganese that leaves the playing field between the thunderous applause of their supporters and the great merit of not having to nothing disfigured, indeed quite the opposite, in front of the millionaire Benevento and that is why the draw, although azzurrostellati had deserved the whole place has a double significance.
Gianluca Russo -
A Sport Wich Bgins Wif D
The match report, news and commentary Paganese-Benevento 1-1
Paganese THE TABLES: Pantanelli, Chiavari, Legitimate (46 'Bacchi), Caracciolo (83' Iraci), De Giosa (K) , Jackdaw, Edwards, Berardi, Zarineh, Fanasca, Cucchiara (46 'Lasagna). Available: Melillo, Astarita, Capodaglio, Fiorentino. Herds Capuano
BENEVENTO: Mondini, Cattaneo, Colombini, Landaida, Ignoffo, De Liguori (K) (85 'Cinelli) Ciarcià, Cejas, Castaldo, evacuated (70 'Bueno), Palermo (53' Statella). Available: Conrad, Ferraro, Carcione, Clement. Herds Soda
Referee: Mr Daniel Duties of the sect. of Roma1 Assistants: Sigg. Alberto Fontanarosa Brindisi and Marco Minardi TarantoNOTE: Attendance about 2000 (closed for the disposal of the guests area CAMS) RECOVERY: 2 '- 2'ANGOLI: 6 - 4AMMONITI: Jackdaw (P), Legitimate (P), evacuated (B) Berardi (P), Edwards (P) EXPELLED: Ciarcià (B) for a second yellow card
THE COMMENTOUna Paganese amazing while disputing a call commendable in all respects, fails to win over large areas of Benevento literally at the mercy of azzurrostellati . Capuano, with grafts of the winter market finally has a comprehensive set even if today should give the suspended Imparato and Sodinha accident. Surprisingly, the technician Salerno debuts the first minute and win Legitimate sull'out left, while attacking Zarineh is preferred to Lasagna. In Benevento, compared with the expectations of the vigil, evacuated while Palermo replaces Clement takes the place of the baby immediately Statella.Parte strong Paganese that already after 2 minutes may go ahead with Cucchiara, who served as Zarineh pulls slightly to the side. The azzurrostellati species in the first part of the match, forcing them to continue taking the apprehension AS Roma rearguard. Shortly after the half hour in two minutes Ciarcià commits two bad from behind and was sent off for two yellow cards. However, even with a man less than 44 'fails to Benevento to take the lead with Castaldo, who served as Landaida, in turn exceeds Pantanelli. After two minutes of the first half ended with the hosts ahead from the incredulity of the audience presenti.Nella resumption of usual double substitution Capuano Lasagna and inserting in place Cucciniello Bacchi and legitimate. As often happened, the move worked well and the 49 'Lasagna is just to sign the equalizer on an assist from Edwards. The Benevento feeling the pinch and salt in a chair with Paganese un'indemoniato Lasagna, who within five minutes, after sowing their opponents like bowling pins, serves Bacchi two assists to kiss on both occasions he can not turn into goals, including the skill of the goalkeeper Mondini. All '80' instead of always Lasagna missing an incredible opportunity at a low cross Bacchi. At this point the prosecution Paganese fatigue and the match slipped away without further tremors. In addition to the applause of the public believe, remains a bit of disappointment over not being able to conquer the entire stake, but we are convinced that the Paganese view today's papers in order to attain salvation directly, giving a hard time all the opponents he will encounter along its path. THE CHRONICLE
90 '(+2) - Three teams and the referee's whistle in the dressing room. Paganese - Benevento: 1 - 188 '- Breaking stages of the match. The Paganese attack after a game seems to blame fatigue. 85 '- The third and last change for the Benevento: Exits De Liguori and enters Cinelli. 83 '- Third place for Paganese: an exhausted Caracciolo gave way to Iraci.80' - Incredible goal by Paganese failed! Spectacular action of azzurrostellati: Caracciolo widens Bacchi, Lasagna low cross for everyone to just two meters from goal shoot incredibilmete alto.77 '- Conclusion of thirty meters Bueno and plenty of ball ends to lato.74' - Edwards falls in area The referee warned the midfielder simulazione.72 '- Caracciolo Zarineh is that you turn in area, but from a good position, pull the top traversa.70' - Second place for the Benevento: Evacu gives way to Bueno.67 '- "Zlatan" Lasagna exceeds Ignoffo and serves on the opposite side of the onrushing Bacchi kicking without fail, Mondini is exceeded, and rejects the piede.66' - Kick De Giosa, the ball deflected, but rises to the bell tower and Fanasca 'anticipated Mondini.65' - Caracciolo, uncontrollable, it gets a punishment from thirty metri.62 '- yet irrepressible Lasagna jumping an opponent and is at the center, Bacchi Zarineh first and then fail to intervene on traiettoria.60 '- same happened to Simon Berardi stopping Cejas launched contropiede.59' - also warned Evacuo57 '- Counter attack of Benevento. Caracciolo you blow the ball by Cejas serves Castaldo, the bomber test with a conclusion around Pantanelli to surprise, but the conclusion ends a few centimeters from palo.55 '- Action drumming of Mr. Campbell's team ended with a blow from the edge of a land locked Caracciolo Mondini.54' - The Paganese choose, instead, with a 3-4-1-2 Fanasca behind the two strikers and Zarineh Lasagna.53 '- No change tactics for the team loose by mr Soda.53' - First change to the Benevento: Exits and enters Statella Palermo .52 '- Yet Lasagna dangerous jumps and crossed the center Colombini, Ignoffo intercetta.51' - The Paganese now I believe. Caracciolo pulls limit, the ball is launched De Liguori who can respingere.49 '- Fanasca into the area and supports up behind Edwards, the midfielder shot cross azzurrostellato, sulla sfera si avventa Lasagna che sottomisura insacca.49' - PAREGGIO DELLA PAGANESE47' - Parte subito all'attacco la Paganese. Cross di Fanasca e testa di Zarineh, la sfera lentamente si spegne sul fondo.Inizia la ripresaDoppia sostituzione nelle fila della Paganese: fuori Legittimo e Cucciniello, dentro Bacchi e Lasagna.SECONDO TEMPO
45 (+2) - Finisce qui il primo tempo45' - Saranno due i minuti di recupero.44' - Punizione di Cejas, sponda di Landaida per Castaldo che in girata supera Pantanelli.44' - GOAL DEL BENEVENTO42' - Caracciolo ci prova dalla lunghissima distanza, la palla termina abbondantemente alta.40' - Giallo per Legittimo39' - Contropiede della Paganese: De Liguori liscia clamorosamente la sfera, Esposito si invola toward the door but 'stopped by the recovery of Colombini.36' - Unexplained behavior midfielder Sunni author within minutes of two bad fouls dietro.35 '- According to Ciarcia yellow', which prematurely ended in the locker room for a hard intervention on legitimate. Benevento dieci.33 '- by Edwards free-kick dangerously into the area, perfect for the intervention of Ignoffo rejecting testa.32' - Even Ciarcia 'ends on notebook Duties of the referee for a bad action from behind on Zarineh.30' - Scheme on punishment: Edwards is Fanasca that enlarges to Cucciniello, early last istante.29 '- The Paganese, fails, as in the early stages to be effective and Benevento can check with most' quiet '.26' - La punizione di Cejas si infrange sulla barriera.25' - Lancio lungo di Cejas, Taccola commette fallo, a limite dell'area, su Castaldo e viene ammonito.19' - Ancora Paganese all'attacco. Cross di Esposito dalla destra, De Liguori respinge sui piedi di Cucciniello che, dal limite, calcia in porta, bravo Ignoffo ad intercettare.16' - Carcia' salta Legittimo e da buona posizione crossa al centro, il direttore di gara vede un fallo di Castaldo su Taccola e ferma il gioco.12' - Punizione di Esposito, Taccola finisce a terra in area; per l'arbitro si puo' continuare.10' - Lancio di Castaldo per Evacuo che supera De Giosa, ma e' bravo Pantanelli ad anticipare l'attaccante sannita in uscita.8' - Azione sull'out di sinistra Fanasca-Zarineh che crossa al centro, la palla insidiosa e' bloccata da Mondini.6' - Molto attivo il centravanti Zarineh in queste prime battute, la punta romana cerca continuamente i passaggi dei compagni.4' - Una Paganese aggressiva lotta su tutti i palloni. Gli azzurrostellati hanno iniziato con la giusta grinta la gara.2' - Grandissima azione della Paganese: Berardi serve in verticale Zarineh che di testa appoggia per l'accorrente Cucciniello, tiro di prima intenzione del centrocampista azzurro e palla di poco fuori.
Inizia la partita.
Il Benevento di Mr Soda risponde con un 4-4-2. In attacco Evacuo, preferito a Clemente, affianchera' Castaldo; per il resto confermate le indiscrezioni della vigilia.
Nella Paganese, a sorpresa, Capuano schiera in campo dal primo Legitimate minutes left lane; attack in the new acquisition will make Zarineh 'couples with Fanasca.
Paganese THE TABLES: Pantanelli, Chiavari, Legitimate (46 'Bacchi), Caracciolo (83' Iraci), De Giosa (K) , Jackdaw, Edwards, Berardi, Zarineh, Fanasca, Cucchiara (46 'Lasagna). Available: Melillo, Astarita, Capodaglio, Fiorentino. Herds Capuano
BENEVENTO: Mondini, Cattaneo, Colombini, Landaida, Ignoffo, De Liguori (K) (85 'Cinelli) Ciarcià, Cejas, Castaldo, evacuated (70 'Bueno), Palermo (53' Statella). Available: Conrad, Ferraro, Carcione, Clement. Herds Soda
Referee: Mr Daniel Duties of the sect. of Roma1 Assistants: Sigg. Alberto Fontanarosa Brindisi and Marco Minardi TarantoNOTE: Attendance about 2000 (closed for the disposal of the guests area CAMS) RECOVERY: 2 '- 2'ANGOLI: 6 - 4AMMONITI: Jackdaw (P), Legitimate (P), evacuated (B) Berardi (P), Edwards (P) EXPELLED: Ciarcià (B) for a second yellow card
THE COMMENTOUna Paganese amazing while disputing a call commendable in all respects, fails to win over large areas of Benevento literally at the mercy of azzurrostellati . Capuano, with grafts of the winter market finally has a comprehensive set even if today should give the suspended Imparato and Sodinha accident. Surprisingly, the technician Salerno debuts the first minute and win Legitimate sull'out left, while attacking Zarineh is preferred to Lasagna. In Benevento, compared with the expectations of the vigil, evacuated while Palermo replaces Clement takes the place of the baby immediately Statella.Parte strong Paganese that already after 2 minutes may go ahead with Cucchiara, who served as Zarineh pulls slightly to the side. The azzurrostellati species in the first part of the match, forcing them to continue taking the apprehension AS Roma rearguard. Shortly after the half hour in two minutes Ciarcià commits two bad from behind and was sent off for two yellow cards. However, even with a man less than 44 'fails to Benevento to take the lead with Castaldo, who served as Landaida, in turn exceeds Pantanelli. After two minutes of the first half ended with the hosts ahead from the incredulity of the audience presenti.Nella resumption of usual double substitution Capuano Lasagna and inserting in place Cucciniello Bacchi and legitimate. As often happened, the move worked well and the 49 'Lasagna is just to sign the equalizer on an assist from Edwards. The Benevento feeling the pinch and salt in a chair with Paganese un'indemoniato Lasagna, who within five minutes, after sowing their opponents like bowling pins, serves Bacchi two assists to kiss on both occasions he can not turn into goals, including the skill of the goalkeeper Mondini. All '80' instead of always Lasagna missing an incredible opportunity at a low cross Bacchi. At this point the prosecution Paganese fatigue and the match slipped away without further tremors. In addition to the applause of the public believe, remains a bit of disappointment over not being able to conquer the entire stake, but we are convinced that the Paganese view today's papers in order to attain salvation directly, giving a hard time all the opponents he will encounter along its path. THE CHRONICLE
90 '(+2) - Three teams and the referee's whistle in the dressing room. Paganese - Benevento: 1 - 188 '- Breaking stages of the match. The Paganese attack after a game seems to blame fatigue. 85 '- The third and last change for the Benevento: Exits De Liguori and enters Cinelli. 83 '- Third place for Paganese: an exhausted Caracciolo gave way to Iraci.80' - Incredible goal by Paganese failed! Spectacular action of azzurrostellati: Caracciolo widens Bacchi, Lasagna low cross for everyone to just two meters from goal shoot incredibilmete alto.77 '- Conclusion of thirty meters Bueno and plenty of ball ends to lato.74' - Edwards falls in area The referee warned the midfielder simulazione.72 '- Caracciolo Zarineh is that you turn in area, but from a good position, pull the top traversa.70' - Second place for the Benevento: Evacu gives way to Bueno.67 '- "Zlatan" Lasagna exceeds Ignoffo and serves on the opposite side of the onrushing Bacchi kicking without fail, Mondini is exceeded, and rejects the piede.66' - Kick De Giosa, the ball deflected, but rises to the bell tower and Fanasca 'anticipated Mondini.65' - Caracciolo, uncontrollable, it gets a punishment from thirty metri.62 '- yet irrepressible Lasagna jumping an opponent and is at the center, Bacchi Zarineh first and then fail to intervene on traiettoria.60 '- same happened to Simon Berardi stopping Cejas launched contropiede.59' - also warned Evacuo57 '- Counter attack of Benevento. Caracciolo you blow the ball by Cejas serves Castaldo, the bomber test with a conclusion around Pantanelli to surprise, but the conclusion ends a few centimeters from palo.55 '- Action drumming of Mr. Campbell's team ended with a blow from the edge of a land locked Caracciolo Mondini.54' - The Paganese choose, instead, with a 3-4-1-2 Fanasca behind the two strikers and Zarineh Lasagna.53 '- No change tactics for the team loose by mr Soda.53' - First change to the Benevento: Exits and enters Statella Palermo .52 '- Yet Lasagna dangerous jumps and crossed the center Colombini, Ignoffo intercetta.51' - The Paganese now I believe. Caracciolo pulls limit, the ball is launched De Liguori who can respingere.49 '- Fanasca into the area and supports up behind Edwards, the midfielder shot cross azzurrostellato, sulla sfera si avventa Lasagna che sottomisura insacca.49' - PAREGGIO DELLA PAGANESE47' - Parte subito all'attacco la Paganese. Cross di Fanasca e testa di Zarineh, la sfera lentamente si spegne sul fondo.Inizia la ripresaDoppia sostituzione nelle fila della Paganese: fuori Legittimo e Cucciniello, dentro Bacchi e Lasagna.SECONDO TEMPO
45 (+2) - Finisce qui il primo tempo45' - Saranno due i minuti di recupero.44' - Punizione di Cejas, sponda di Landaida per Castaldo che in girata supera Pantanelli.44' - GOAL DEL BENEVENTO42' - Caracciolo ci prova dalla lunghissima distanza, la palla termina abbondantemente alta.40' - Giallo per Legittimo39' - Contropiede della Paganese: De Liguori liscia clamorosamente la sfera, Esposito si invola toward the door but 'stopped by the recovery of Colombini.36' - Unexplained behavior midfielder Sunni author within minutes of two bad fouls dietro.35 '- According to Ciarcia yellow', which prematurely ended in the locker room for a hard intervention on legitimate. Benevento dieci.33 '- by Edwards free-kick dangerously into the area, perfect for the intervention of Ignoffo rejecting testa.32' - Even Ciarcia 'ends on notebook Duties of the referee for a bad action from behind on Zarineh.30' - Scheme on punishment: Edwards is Fanasca that enlarges to Cucciniello, early last istante.29 '- The Paganese, fails, as in the early stages to be effective and Benevento can check with most' quiet '.26' - La punizione di Cejas si infrange sulla barriera.25' - Lancio lungo di Cejas, Taccola commette fallo, a limite dell'area, su Castaldo e viene ammonito.19' - Ancora Paganese all'attacco. Cross di Esposito dalla destra, De Liguori respinge sui piedi di Cucciniello che, dal limite, calcia in porta, bravo Ignoffo ad intercettare.16' - Carcia' salta Legittimo e da buona posizione crossa al centro, il direttore di gara vede un fallo di Castaldo su Taccola e ferma il gioco.12' - Punizione di Esposito, Taccola finisce a terra in area; per l'arbitro si puo' continuare.10' - Lancio di Castaldo per Evacuo che supera De Giosa, ma e' bravo Pantanelli ad anticipare l'attaccante sannita in uscita.8' - Azione sull'out di sinistra Fanasca-Zarineh che crossa al centro, la palla insidiosa e' bloccata da Mondini.6' - Molto attivo il centravanti Zarineh in queste prime battute, la punta romana cerca continuamente i passaggi dei compagni.4' - Una Paganese aggressiva lotta su tutti i palloni. Gli azzurrostellati hanno iniziato con la giusta grinta la gara.2' - Grandissima azione della Paganese: Berardi serve in verticale Zarineh che di testa appoggia per l'accorrente Cucciniello, tiro di prima intenzione del centrocampista azzurro e palla di poco fuori.
Inizia la partita.
Il Benevento di Mr Soda risponde con un 4-4-2. In attacco Evacuo, preferito a Clemente, affianchera' Castaldo; per il resto confermate le indiscrezioni della vigilia.
Nella Paganese, a sorpresa, Capuano schiera in campo dal primo Legitimate minutes left lane; attack in the new acquisition will make Zarineh 'couples with Fanasca.
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Follow the race direttaweb Paganese - Benevento. Starting from 14.15, the press office staff will provide real-time match report and tell the emotions of the match. Do not miss out!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
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Derby, there will be no live television
The Prefect of Salerno has not signed the order. The City seeks an agreement with satellite TV.
Antonio Martone
Yesterday it was decided in the negative on the question of direct tv for the derby on Sunday Paganese-Benevento. The prefect of Salerno Meoli that, among other things, a few years ago has withstood the prefecture also knows, is not considered to be the reasons for the order, which has to send the game to clear and Benevento province. In recent days there had been a statement just arrived from the prefecture of Benevento, for determining whether issues of public policy, given that there was a very large slice of Giallorossi fans willing to travel to attend the meeting despite the "ban for guests' decreed by Casms since last week. But the response of the prefecture of Salerno was negative. By disappointment because the sport is waiting for this news was agonizing. The district, meanwhile, has said he would seek to reach an agreement themselves with some satellite channel and thus ensure the transmission of the game. The team, for his part, as announced yesterday afternoon he played his usual midweek practice match against the national students. In the two times the coach has turned Soda all available men and especially implemented various experiments, confirming the fact that Pagan may also have some news. It is known that a good technical Cutro during the week keeps everyone alert and especially loves to test the general terms precisely because in base ad esigenze particolari o contingenti non disdegna l'attuazione di varianti. Ieri, ad esempio, nel primo tempo con la squadra schierata con l'ormai classico modulo 4-4-2 ha utilizzato sulla fascia destra l'ultimo arrivato Giampaolo Ciarcià che ormai ha completato la fase di ambientamento ed in avanti, in coppia con Gigi Castaldo, l'altro bomber Felice Evacuo, che è apparso ormai pienamente recuperato sia fisicamente che da un punto di vista psicologico. Era assente ed in un primo momento la cosa ha creato allarme, poi puntualmente rientrato, Luca Mondini. In realtà l'esperto portiere è stato colpito da un lieve attacco influenzale e soltanto a scopo precauzionale, dopo un consulto tra lo staff tecnico e quello sanitario, si è deciso to leave home an extra day to avoid damage from air or otherwise. Already in the afternoon session is scheduled to present, so is considered recoverable at less than sensational surprises, compulsory luck, currently excluded. After all elements of its level are used to manage in relation to certain precarious situations. Finally, on the sideline yesterday afternoon to attend to the training was the whole "staff" Giallorossi, led by President Oreste Vigorito. For the record all the yellow and red during the practice match have moved quite well and appeared to have concentrated on the difficult and long-awaited confrontation against Paganese of Eziolino Capuano.
from The Morning
The Prefect of Salerno has not signed the order. The City seeks an agreement with satellite TV.
Antonio Martone
Yesterday it was decided in the negative on the question of direct tv for the derby on Sunday Paganese-Benevento. The prefect of Salerno Meoli that, among other things, a few years ago has withstood the prefecture also knows, is not considered to be the reasons for the order, which has to send the game to clear and Benevento province. In recent days there had been a statement just arrived from the prefecture of Benevento, for determining whether issues of public policy, given that there was a very large slice of Giallorossi fans willing to travel to attend the meeting despite the "ban for guests' decreed by Casms since last week. But the response of the prefecture of Salerno was negative. By disappointment because the sport is waiting for this news was agonizing. The district, meanwhile, has said he would seek to reach an agreement themselves with some satellite channel and thus ensure the transmission of the game. The team, for his part, as announced yesterday afternoon he played his usual midweek practice match against the national students. In the two times the coach has turned Soda all available men and especially implemented various experiments, confirming the fact that Pagan may also have some news. It is known that a good technical Cutro during the week keeps everyone alert and especially loves to test the general terms precisely because in base ad esigenze particolari o contingenti non disdegna l'attuazione di varianti. Ieri, ad esempio, nel primo tempo con la squadra schierata con l'ormai classico modulo 4-4-2 ha utilizzato sulla fascia destra l'ultimo arrivato Giampaolo Ciarcià che ormai ha completato la fase di ambientamento ed in avanti, in coppia con Gigi Castaldo, l'altro bomber Felice Evacuo, che è apparso ormai pienamente recuperato sia fisicamente che da un punto di vista psicologico. Era assente ed in un primo momento la cosa ha creato allarme, poi puntualmente rientrato, Luca Mondini. In realtà l'esperto portiere è stato colpito da un lieve attacco influenzale e soltanto a scopo precauzionale, dopo un consulto tra lo staff tecnico e quello sanitario, si è deciso to leave home an extra day to avoid damage from air or otherwise. Already in the afternoon session is scheduled to present, so is considered recoverable at less than sensational surprises, compulsory luck, currently excluded. After all elements of its level are used to manage in relation to certain precarious situations. Finally, on the sideline yesterday afternoon to attend to the training was the whole "staff" Giallorossi, led by President Oreste Vigorito. For the record all the yellow and red during the practice match have moved quite well and appeared to have concentrated on the difficult and long-awaited confrontation against Paganese of Eziolino Capuano.
from The Morning
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Benevento will reopen the North Col
the supervisory committee at the end of the investigation carried out at the Stadio Marcello Torre "Pagani today gave its approval to the reopening of the two curves of the stadium. Therefore
Sunday, February 8 supporters Paganese will again occupy the Curva Nord area will remain closed while the sector following the decision of the guests CASMS.
The Regulatory Commission gives the green light to reopen the curve. At the derby Paganese - Benevento, the structure torna ai tifosi.
I tifosi tornano nella Nord. Per il derby in programma l'8 febbraio tra Paganese e Benevento, infatti, sarà riaperta la curva. Questa mattina, la Commissione Vigilanza, dopo aver effettuato il sopralluogo, ha dato il suo via libera alla riapertura della struttura, risultata rispondente a tutti i parametri di sicurezza.
" Ci siamo - ha dichiarato il Sindaco Alberico Gambino - Come promesso, domenica, per il derby tra Paganese e Benevento, la curva Nord sarà riaperta ai tifosi che, sono sicuro, daranno vita ad una grande festa di colori. Colgo l'occasione per fare il mio più caloroso in bocca al lupo alla squadra e per invitare tutti i cittadini a venire stage. We support the Paganese, we continue to live the dream azzurrostellato.
Press Office City of Pagani
the supervisory committee at the end of the investigation carried out at the Stadio Marcello Torre "Pagani today gave its approval to the reopening of the two curves of the stadium. Therefore
Sunday, February 8 supporters Paganese will again occupy the Curva Nord area will remain closed while the sector following the decision of the guests CASMS.
The Regulatory Commission gives the green light to reopen the curve. At the derby Paganese - Benevento, the structure torna ai tifosi.
I tifosi tornano nella Nord. Per il derby in programma l'8 febbraio tra Paganese e Benevento, infatti, sarà riaperta la curva. Questa mattina, la Commissione Vigilanza, dopo aver effettuato il sopralluogo, ha dato il suo via libera alla riapertura della struttura, risultata rispondente a tutti i parametri di sicurezza.
" Ci siamo - ha dichiarato il Sindaco Alberico Gambino - Come promesso, domenica, per il derby tra Paganese e Benevento, la curva Nord sarà riaperta ai tifosi che, sono sicuro, daranno vita ad una grande festa di colori. Colgo l'occasione per fare il mio più caloroso in bocca al lupo alla squadra e per invitare tutti i cittadini a venire stage. We support the Paganese, we continue to live the dream azzurrostellato.
Press Office City of Pagani
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Strongly doubt Diogo
Pagani. holds high concentration Ezio Capuano. Important test Sunday at home against Benevento for the Soda. Just returned from the course of the technical Coverciano azzurrostellato has, however, found the unfortunate news of the accident punter Brazilian Diogo. On Sunday last came the commitment is in doubt even if the exams have averted serious problems. Diogo however, has a swollen ankle and will not be disposed of by Saturday if the swelling will miss his first with the jersey of Paganese. But there is optimism in the clan. All are confident in the former Bari wants to go and begin to fill the void left by the departure of Tisci. Diogo apart, compared to Benevento, the Paganese, also will be without defender Raffaele Imparato who is serving the second round of the red after stop remedy for Real Marcianise. He returned from the first minute instead Captain De Giosa that will take over the role left to the young Astarita against Pistoiese. In the friendly match on Thursday against the sunset, the championship team that first class has emerged once again the resilience of the athletics team (9-1 the final result of the practice match). This could be the extra weapon to throw into the fray against the most popular clubs and players' dodati more technical. Benevento against the cousins, the company announced the day blue. All then must go to the box office to watch the match. He confides in the audience for the big events that could push the Paganese over the fence in case of need. Guests will be closed on the field since the race was held at risk by the Security Committee of sporting events. New material also affect the industry curve north. All work to make safety have been made today and is expected to visit the Supervisory Committee should sign the authorization for the reopening of the sector destinato alla tifoseria di casa. In casa paganese si lavora anche per dare un futuro più solido al club. Il presidente Raffaele Trapani dopo aver accolto gli imprenditori Buccino e Zito sta per realizzare il sogno di vedere ancora maggiormente allargata la dirigenza. Nelle prossime ore almeno altri due imprenditori locali dovrebbero aderire al progetto paganese.
da Il Mattino
Pagani. holds high concentration Ezio Capuano. Important test Sunday at home against Benevento for the Soda. Just returned from the course of the technical Coverciano azzurrostellato has, however, found the unfortunate news of the accident punter Brazilian Diogo. On Sunday last came the commitment is in doubt even if the exams have averted serious problems. Diogo however, has a swollen ankle and will not be disposed of by Saturday if the swelling will miss his first with the jersey of Paganese. But there is optimism in the clan. All are confident in the former Bari wants to go and begin to fill the void left by the departure of Tisci. Diogo apart, compared to Benevento, the Paganese, also will be without defender Raffaele Imparato who is serving the second round of the red after stop remedy for Real Marcianise. He returned from the first minute instead Captain De Giosa that will take over the role left to the young Astarita against Pistoiese. In the friendly match on Thursday against the sunset, the championship team that first class has emerged once again the resilience of the athletics team (9-1 the final result of the practice match). This could be the extra weapon to throw into the fray against the most popular clubs and players' dodati more technical. Benevento against the cousins, the company announced the day blue. All then must go to the box office to watch the match. He confides in the audience for the big events that could push the Paganese over the fence in case of need. Guests will be closed on the field since the race was held at risk by the Security Committee of sporting events. New material also affect the industry curve north. All work to make safety have been made today and is expected to visit the Supervisory Committee should sign the authorization for the reopening of the sector destinato alla tifoseria di casa. In casa paganese si lavora anche per dare un futuro più solido al club. Il presidente Raffaele Trapani dopo aver accolto gli imprenditori Buccino e Zito sta per realizzare il sogno di vedere ancora maggiormente allargata la dirigenza. Nelle prossime ore almeno altri due imprenditori locali dovrebbero aderire al progetto paganese.
da Il Mattino
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Duties will referee Sunday's Rome
A dirigere la gara Paganese - Benevento sarà il signor Daniele Doveri della sezione di Roma 1 coadiuvato dai signori Alberto Fontanarosa della sezione di Brindisi e Marco Minardi della sezione di Taranto.
Doveri è al terzo anno in Can Pro, Fontanarosa al quinto, Minardi al quarto.
Gianluca Russo -
A dirigere la gara Paganese - Benevento sarà il signor Daniele Doveri della sezione di Roma 1 coadiuvato dai signori Alberto Fontanarosa della sezione di Brindisi e Marco Minardi della sezione di Taranto.
Doveri è al terzo anno in Can Pro, Fontanarosa al quinto, Minardi al quarto.
Gianluca Russo -
Friday, February 6, 2009
Recipe Piano Shaped Cake
Moderate optimism Diogo
we are still waiting a few days to see if Diogo will be available for Saturday after the accident resolved the right ankle during training yesterday.
radiography which is under the player today has excluded bone lesions. We need to wait, however, that the limb is completely deflated in order to delineate accurately the recovery time (Photo taken from the site )

we are still waiting a few days to see if Diogo will be available for Saturday after the accident resolved the right ankle during training yesterday.
radiography which is under the player today has excluded bone lesions. We need to wait, however, that the limb is completely deflated in order to delineate accurately the recovery time (Photo taken from the site )
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Where Can I Get Firman Sam Wallpaper?
The Benevento seeks victory
How many times in a season they say che sta per iniziare un nuovo campionato… Bhè, stavolta lo possiamo affermare senza tema di smentite.
Un minitorneo di 14 partite che riserverà gioie e delusioni, assegnerà premi e sgradite sorprese. Si riparte con organici sostanzialmente simili a quelli formati prima del lungo mercato invernale, ma con qualche ritocco che non potrà non influire. Si riparte senza azzerare nulla ovviamente, e non si potrà ignorare che per tanti sarà un torneo ad handicap. Il Benevento ha tratto il massimo dalle ultime quattro partite.
Ricordate? Al ritorno da Cava dei Tirreni, al di là della soddisfazione di aver salutato il ritorno al gol di Felice Evacuo, la classifica non sembrava estremamente brillante: il Gallipoli, che aveva beat Lancaster had 33 points, Arezzo, which had outperformed the Paganese, followed at 31, was third with the Benevento Crotone to 27 points. Six points out of first place, that no one thought to reduce so quickly. But ... After four wins in a row (Potenza, Perugia, Lancaster and Taranto), the witch touched portion 39, one point less than the rooster Salento, in these four races has definitely slowed down, two more dell'Arezzo that walked more slowly. The virtual chart of the last four days? Here it is: Benevento 12, Gallipoli 7, Arezzo 6. A pretty sight, no doubt about it. But like every story full of emotions and not at all obvious, it is easy difficult to say that the arrival time.
Yeah, you know the English media? It was conceived when victory was worth two points to emphasize the path of an ideal team: home win, draw away, which results in a zero round one was paid. You gave away to victory in a +1, the home defeat -2, -1 in the same household. When you went to the three points, the eliminated many newspapers, other adjustment as follows: +2 for the away win, draw at home to -2, -3 for the defeat. Remained zero for the home win and a draw away, the path that is ideal. What is the English media? To immediately realize if a team has received more home games and vice versa. It 's the case of Benevento, which is yes to just one point in the standings Gallipoli real, but it has an average delay of even 5 English (+2 the Salento, -3 i know).
What does this mean? The explanation lies in the timing of these last 14 league games. Soda Boys will play six home games and 8 away, it will instead those of Giannini and 6 out of 8 in house. Like the rest of Arezzo. Will own the months of February and March, those in which the witch must always keep a suitcase ready in eight matches, only three times will be at St Columba, will travel to five times. While his opponents will be able to enjoy the favors of their audiences for 5 to 8 times. In the last six races of the season, however, everything is appianerà: the final push will be similar for all three contenders, 3 home games, three out. In short, the witch must be careful in the next eight games, could this be the crucial moment, what will decide the game. And of course, just as he did in his last four races, will have to substantially change its path away.
Franco Santo - The Daily Sannio
How many times in a season they say che sta per iniziare un nuovo campionato… Bhè, stavolta lo possiamo affermare senza tema di smentite.
Un minitorneo di 14 partite che riserverà gioie e delusioni, assegnerà premi e sgradite sorprese. Si riparte con organici sostanzialmente simili a quelli formati prima del lungo mercato invernale, ma con qualche ritocco che non potrà non influire. Si riparte senza azzerare nulla ovviamente, e non si potrà ignorare che per tanti sarà un torneo ad handicap. Il Benevento ha tratto il massimo dalle ultime quattro partite.
Ricordate? Al ritorno da Cava dei Tirreni, al di là della soddisfazione di aver salutato il ritorno al gol di Felice Evacuo, la classifica non sembrava estremamente brillante: il Gallipoli, che aveva beat Lancaster had 33 points, Arezzo, which had outperformed the Paganese, followed at 31, was third with the Benevento Crotone to 27 points. Six points out of first place, that no one thought to reduce so quickly. But ... After four wins in a row (Potenza, Perugia, Lancaster and Taranto), the witch touched portion 39, one point less than the rooster Salento, in these four races has definitely slowed down, two more dell'Arezzo that walked more slowly. The virtual chart of the last four days? Here it is: Benevento 12, Gallipoli 7, Arezzo 6. A pretty sight, no doubt about it. But like every story full of emotions and not at all obvious, it is easy difficult to say that the arrival time.
Yeah, you know the English media? It was conceived when victory was worth two points to emphasize the path of an ideal team: home win, draw away, which results in a zero round one was paid. You gave away to victory in a +1, the home defeat -2, -1 in the same household. When you went to the three points, the eliminated many newspapers, other adjustment as follows: +2 for the away win, draw at home to -2, -3 for the defeat. Remained zero for the home win and a draw away, the path that is ideal. What is the English media? To immediately realize if a team has received more home games and vice versa. It 's the case of Benevento, which is yes to just one point in the standings Gallipoli real, but it has an average delay of even 5 English (+2 the Salento, -3 i know).
What does this mean? The explanation lies in the timing of these last 14 league games. Soda Boys will play six home games and 8 away, it will instead those of Giannini and 6 out of 8 in house. Like the rest of Arezzo. Will own the months of February and March, those in which the witch must always keep a suitcase ready in eight matches, only three times will be at St Columba, will travel to five times. While his opponents will be able to enjoy the favors of their audiences for 5 to 8 times. In the last six races of the season, however, everything is appianerà: the final push will be similar for all three contenders, 3 home games, three out. In short, the witch must be careful in the next eight games, could this be the crucial moment, what will decide the game. And of course, just as he did in his last four races, will have to substantially change its path away.
Franco Santo - The Daily Sannio
How Can I Make My Hair Like Synyster Gates
Simonelli: Paganese aggressive team

Former Sunni Spalletti sees the team favored in the struggle for the conquest of B.
Antonio Martone giallorosso Former coach Gianni Simonelli, remained closely tied to the environment between the Sunni and other well-liked by athletes and fans for his great professionalism, try to stay ahead of the derby against Paganese that this season has already addressed to Marcello Torre (even with time to ban away fans), in the fifteenth round of the day. "The Benevento since last summer - his debut - I counted among my favorites and still confirm my prediction, indeed, I am convinced. The Giallorossi will win the championship because they have all the components in place. A generous and enthusiastic audience, a rose is really good, a solid company and I say this cause, in part because the emotional experience of the Samnite speech, apart from the exciting promotion to C1 was really flattering. As for the derby on Sunday I think it's one of those classic races that make the group. The Paganese, in fact, is a tough and gritty team on and off. There will be one thousand snares. Certainly, the Sunnis will find a gassed, then, one afternoon will not be rosy. The azzurrostellati, among others - continues Simonelli - become even more aggressive at home, apart from the fact that tactically manage to be chameleons. Often prefer to wait and see the weapon in that they both prefer to wait for the opponent to play and then steal the ball precisely due to aggression and to share with the break. Now I do not know the attitude that will have to Benevento, but it will be essential that there is the right attitude on the part of the Samnites at the level of concentration and determination. Against us actually even the playing field was not the best and was a problem, hoping that it was - he concludes - partly settled. Of course not for me to say what to do, Soda is the coach that the players and the company itself does not need advice or anything. They are showing you know what they were doing at all levels. " The team, meanwhile, continues its preparations in full swing. Yesterday there was a single session of exercise, prolonged and very intense. Continues to train with fellow Tesser. The day's program, however, provides the usual test with students national all'antistadio. For the occasion, Mr. Soda should try the solutions in their tactics ahead of the derby. Among others there will be the spotlight last arrived Ciarcià which took two weeks to integrate with the comrades and evacuated by now seems fully enrolled. Finally, as expected yesterday was officially invested in the prefecture of Salerno as regards the application of live television. Sannio started by a detailed report which are the problems associated with the need to send the race on television for reasons of public order. In the coming days, quasi sicuramente per domani, ci sarà l'esito. In pratica il prefetto di Salerno dovrà firmare o meno una ordinanza in proposito.
da Il Mattino
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