Former Sunni Spalletti sees the team favored in the struggle for the conquest of B.
Antonio Martone giallorosso Former coach Gianni Simonelli, remained closely tied to the environment between the Sunni and other well-liked by athletes and fans for his great professionalism, try to stay ahead of the derby against Paganese that this season has already addressed to Marcello Torre (even with time to ban away fans), in the fifteenth round of the day. "The Benevento since last summer - his debut - I counted among my favorites and still confirm my prediction, indeed, I am convinced. The Giallorossi will win the championship because they have all the components in place. A generous and enthusiastic audience, a rose is really good, a solid company and I say this cause, in part because the emotional experience of the Samnite speech, apart from the exciting promotion to C1 was really flattering. As for the derby on Sunday I think it's one of those classic races that make the group. The Paganese, in fact, is a tough and gritty team on and off. There will be one thousand snares. Certainly, the Sunnis will find a gassed, then, one afternoon will not be rosy. The azzurrostellati, among others - continues Simonelli - become even more aggressive at home, apart from the fact that tactically manage to be chameleons. Often prefer to wait and see the weapon in that they both prefer to wait for the opponent to play and then steal the ball precisely due to aggression and to share with the break. Now I do not know the attitude that will have to Benevento, but it will be essential that there is the right attitude on the part of the Samnites at the level of concentration and determination. Against us actually even the playing field was not the best and was a problem, hoping that it was - he concludes - partly settled. Of course not for me to say what to do, Soda is the coach that the players and the company itself does not need advice or anything. They are showing you know what they were doing at all levels. " The team, meanwhile, continues its preparations in full swing. Yesterday there was a single session of exercise, prolonged and very intense. Continues to train with fellow Tesser. The day's program, however, provides the usual test with students national all'antistadio. For the occasion, Mr. Soda should try the solutions in their tactics ahead of the derby. Among others there will be the spotlight last arrived Ciarcià which took two weeks to integrate with the comrades and evacuated by now seems fully enrolled. Finally, as expected yesterday was officially invested in the prefecture of Salerno as regards the application of live television. Sannio started by a detailed report which are the problems associated with the need to send the race on television for reasons of public order. In the coming days, quasi sicuramente per domani, ci sarà l'esito. In pratica il prefetto di Salerno dovrà firmare o meno una ordinanza in proposito.
da Il Mattino
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