The Benevento seeks victory
How many times in a season they say che sta per iniziare un nuovo campionato… Bhè, stavolta lo possiamo affermare senza tema di smentite.
Un minitorneo di 14 partite che riserverà gioie e delusioni, assegnerà premi e sgradite sorprese. Si riparte con organici sostanzialmente simili a quelli formati prima del lungo mercato invernale, ma con qualche ritocco che non potrà non influire. Si riparte senza azzerare nulla ovviamente, e non si potrà ignorare che per tanti sarà un torneo ad handicap. Il Benevento ha tratto il massimo dalle ultime quattro partite.
Ricordate? Al ritorno da Cava dei Tirreni, al di là della soddisfazione di aver salutato il ritorno al gol di Felice Evacuo, la classifica non sembrava estremamente brillante: il Gallipoli, che aveva beat Lancaster had 33 points, Arezzo, which had outperformed the Paganese, followed at 31, was third with the Benevento Crotone to 27 points. Six points out of first place, that no one thought to reduce so quickly. But ... After four wins in a row (Potenza, Perugia, Lancaster and Taranto), the witch touched portion 39, one point less than the rooster Salento, in these four races has definitely slowed down, two more dell'Arezzo that walked more slowly. The virtual chart of the last four days? Here it is: Benevento 12, Gallipoli 7, Arezzo 6. A pretty sight, no doubt about it. But like every story full of emotions and not at all obvious, it is easy difficult to say that the arrival time.
Yeah, you know the English media? It was conceived when victory was worth two points to emphasize the path of an ideal team: home win, draw away, which results in a zero round one was paid. You gave away to victory in a +1, the home defeat -2, -1 in the same household. When you went to the three points, the eliminated many newspapers, other adjustment as follows: +2 for the away win, draw at home to -2, -3 for the defeat. Remained zero for the home win and a draw away, the path that is ideal. What is the English media? To immediately realize if a team has received more home games and vice versa. It 's the case of Benevento, which is yes to just one point in the standings Gallipoli real, but it has an average delay of even 5 English (+2 the Salento, -3 i know).
What does this mean? The explanation lies in the timing of these last 14 league games. Soda Boys will play six home games and 8 away, it will instead those of Giannini and 6 out of 8 in house. Like the rest of Arezzo. Will own the months of February and March, those in which the witch must always keep a suitcase ready in eight matches, only three times will be at St Columba, will travel to five times. While his opponents will be able to enjoy the favors of their audiences for 5 to 8 times. In the last six races of the season, however, everything is appianerà: the final push will be similar for all three contenders, 3 home games, three out. In short, the witch must be careful in the next eight games, could this be the crucial moment, what will decide the game. And of course, just as he did in his last four races, will have to substantially change its path away.
Franco Santo - The Daily Sannio
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