Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Milan, good game but lacks the 0-0 goal
Ends: Tottenham pass
The Rossoneri dominated much of the race and went close to the net with Pato and Robinho, but the Spurs are to resist and Champions quarterfinals. Decisive save to the line in the first half Gallas
LONDON, March 9, 2011 - Jose Mourinho is right when he says that the Champions League is the cup of the details. Just one mistake to ruin a season (the network of Crouch in San Siro), or two glaring chances, not to mention the beautiful proof of the Rossoneri in the red-hot White Hart Lane in London. In the end the rewards Tottenham 0-0 in the quarter that passes thinking more about defense that produce good football.
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Milan wipes her tears
Now just think the league
elimination with Tottenham's tears are so naive and Seedorf not to commit more. It starts with the championship now Bari, Palermo and then the derby with Inter truth
LONDON, March 10, 2011 - The disappointment is so hot out so against a technically inferior training is part of the absurdities of football. Milan for the third consecutive time he said goodbye to the Champions in the second round and once again the hand of an Englishwoman. But out against Arsenal (in 2008) and Manchester United (in 2010) there may be. The Rossoneri are charged a round marked by an unholy initially disconcerting and a recovery determined by the one defensive error.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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Del Piero, call for unity
"Together for the crisis"
Juve captain speaks on his official website "There are times when we just talk less and make room for more. I continue to train every day to Vinovo together with my friends to come out of this situation, an objective before which we are all united and involved "
TURIN, March 9, 2011 - After the video message in which it announced its readiness to sign the renewal of white, Alessandro Del Piero returns to speak from the pages of the website staff. Captain Juventus is currently analyzing the delicate CROSSED Juventus: "In this period you may have noticed that I was a few words (I mean those that I usually like to spend with you on this site and on Facebook) but there are times when it is correct to speak less and make room for more. I refer of course to the period we are going through at Juventus.
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Moratti convocato in Procura
dopo l'esposto della Juventus
Il 31 marzo il presidente dell'Inter sarà sentito dal procuratore federale Palazzi, "nell'ambito dell'istruttoria relativa all'esposto Juventus sull'assegnazione dello scudetto 2005-06"
ROMA, 8 marzo 2011 - Il Procuratore federale Stefano Palazzi ha convocato per il 31 marzo il presidente dell’Inter Massimo Moratti. La convocazione è relativa all’inchiesta che si è aperta dopo la diffusione di alcune telefonate tra lo stesso Moratti, l’ex presidente dell’Inter Giacinto Facchetti e i designatori dell'epoca Paolo Bergamo e Pierluigi Pairetto (le famose telefonate a Calciopoli). They relate to the 2004-05 season and Juventus had submitted a complaint to challenge the award to Inter Scudetto 2006, removed to Juventus, just after the dissemination of these phone calls. There are also calls from Facchetti with former referee Massimo De Santis designator former assistants Gennaro Mazzei. These are calls that the defense of the accused in the process of Naples Calciopoli identified among more than 170 thousand and up to now not included in the pleadings. At the last hearing in February, the expert of the Court, Roberto Porto, had handed over the transcripts, and now even the federal prosecutors have available. Palazzi has heard the same events Bergamo and Pairetto Mazzei. He had also asked former referee Danilo Nucini to be heard, but for now the former race director (who is no longer affiliated) has not guaranteed his presence. Instead, it will certainly be in Naples on Court 15 with Gianfelice Facchetti.
Moratti answered in Buildings
"My concocazione is ridiculous"
Moratti answered in Buildings: "I respect his work but the call of ' Inter is ridiculous "
Today Inter celebrates 103 years since the foundation:" It's beautiful already thinking the history of Inter - says the president - a gift to me is already making the team with his attitude at this time, it seems to me that this is a good thing, the fact that the team will continue to maintain the character and dignity necessary ". Calciopoli and then a joke about the convening of Buildings:" With all due respect to buildings, which rightly does what he must do, is ridiculous but the fact that Inter, in my person, should stand for this. "
Moggi attacks: Moratti?
He pretends nothing, talking nonsense
TURIN, March 9 - did not go down to the declaration of Luciano Moggi Massimo Moratti, Inter president issued this morning, on the convening of Buildings on the question of revision of the 2005-2006 Scudetto Inter assigned ("It's ridiculous che l'Inter venga convocata» , ha detto il n° 1 del club meneghino ndr): «Moratti dice che chiamare l’Inter è ridicolo? Forse non ha letto le intercettazioni. Forse - ha detto l'ex dg della Juve sulle frequenze di Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli - non ricorda che ha chiamato nel suo ufficio Tavaroli, che Tavaroli con Facchetti hanno incaricato Cipriani. Fa finta di niente e parla tanto per parlare. Cosa è Calciopoli dopo cinque anni? Non è successo proprio niente. Di 170mila telefonate ne hanno prese solo quaranta e tutte della Juventus. Le altre, sono tutte irrilevanti. Era irrilevante quando Facchetti diceva a Bertini "fammi vincere la partita di Coppa Italia col Cagliari" a Cagliari nel 2008 e guarda then when Inter won the Italian Cup and then the Fed would have to remove it. It was irrelevant when it said the designator "Moratti passes for office must give you a gift." But it was significant that a company is to defend these things. "
ON NAPLES De Laurentiis - Then Moggi says its also on the words of De Laurentiis, who yesterday spoke of a Naples that bothers: "De Laurentiis has been wrong before and wrong now. He has been wrong before, when he said that "football is more clean." Football, remember, was always clean and has never been dirty. He is wrong now, saying that there no one wants Naples is confused and contradicts himself. If there nobody wants to Napoli, it means that football is not clean: the two, one. De Laurentiis, who must decide the right way to go with Zamparini and not agree that at times when something comes against. When wrong things happen, they are all on one side. When things go normally, then we say that the errors of the referees are merely the result of randomness. The truth is that the referees are not people that trick, but when they face Inter, Roma and AC Milan get up off my hat, but they do so unintentionally. It is called "psychological subjection." De Laurentiis is right to ask for more attention, but it hurt in the past when he said that referees are all good and if mistakes are just cases. The referees make mistakes as they have always wrong. De Laurentiis is good now to gain respect. The full draw? When the Verona won the championship, I came second with Torino. I did lose a home game, just with the Verona, for three to two. The problem does not displace too much: if you speak this language, it also accuses those who make the nominations. We must be careful not to say that it is appropriate at the time agrees. The full draw should be enough or always or never, and not only when it suits. "
JUVE AND RETURN TO FIGHTING CHAMPIONS - Finally, the former Juventus director general speaks of a possible return to Turin: "If I come back to Juve? I feel so good that I do not think about these things. I'm sorry for Juve, I wanted to go to watch the race with Milan but then my family advised me not to go. I have avoided but I thank the public for all the attention they have placed in me. Obviously I did a good job. Fighting Champions? Napoli will come fourth, the third Rome. It is in the charts, but this is my thought. I said before the season that Milan would win the Scudetto. Now, I say that the Roma can reach Naples and the third quarter. I hope for the blues which could also finish third, but I believe little. The Rome, in the four to be sure there is my impression. If the Giallorossi receive assistance? I do not know that. They are thoughts that one does wake up in the morning. "
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La partita inizia con la Stanga subito pericolosa ma il Montebello cerca di imporre il proprio gioco e al 7' minuto un bel tiro di Folco viene ben parato dal portiere di casa.
Sul successivo calcio d'angolo, buono scambio tra Biasin e Folco, che tira al volo, ma il tentativo è di nuovo parato dal portiere di casa.
Il Montebello continua a creare diverse opportunità da rete ma vuoi la mira imprecisa, vuoi la bravura del portiere della Stanga i ragazzi di Mister Perlotto non riescono a passare in vantaggio.
Nei minuti finali la Stanga ci prova con un paio di occasioni che non impensieriscono il nostro portiere Pasin.
Le due squadre vanno al riposo sullo 0-0.
I minuti iniziali della seconda frazione di gioco sono combattuti tanto che il Montebello perviene al vantaggio:
al 60' minuto punizione dalla trequarti e palla scodellata in mezzo dove è pronto Biasin M. ad insaccare di testa per l'1-0.
Purtroppo le troppe occasioni sciupate dal Montebello costano care e al 75' minuto la Stanga perviene al pareggio: da un cross dalla destra il nostro Poli nel tentativo di rinviare devia il pallone nella propria porta battendo l'incolpevole Pasin 1-1.
Dopo 5 minuti da azione di calcio d'angolo Vivian devia il pallone in rete permettendo così alla Stanga di portarsi sul 1-2.
Nei minuti finali il Montebello si getta in avanti the search of an equalizer but now there is more time and Stanga brings home the three points.
Stanga 2
Montebello 1
STANGA: Sanson, A. Zoso, Meggiorin, Zoso D., Giacomuzzi (60 'Pasquale), Cisco, Ali Dahir, Flagiello (75 'N. Manfrin) Ballardini, Yaya Bance (70' Favero) Guebbre (70 'Spolzino) (80' Demeo). 18 Moraru (App. Manfrin Silvio)
MONTEBELLO: Pasin, Scalzolaro, M. Biasini 60 ', Poli, Pellizzari, R Festugière (85' Frizzo), maraschino, Folco, Vivian, Tartini, Laveder (82 'Lazarus). 12 Capitanio Biasin 13 C. 15 Ounida 17 Battanoli I. Battanoli D 18 (App. Perlotto Roberto).
Referee: Perin of Schio.
NB The two networks are Stanga own goal of Montebello.
Bellaguardia - Almisano 1-1
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Stanga - Montebello 2-1
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Rest: Grumolo
Elettrosonor Gambellara, Real S. Zeno 44 - Montebello 37 - 34 Gazzo - Pillar Orgiano 33 - Altair 31 - New Ariston 30 - House Fosser Bertesina, Stanga 25 - 21 Brogliano - Pol Grisignano, Bellaguardia 20 - Almisano 14 - Grumolo 13 - 10 VI Postojna.
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Rome drubbing in Donetsk
Loses 3-0 with Shakhtar
The Giallorossi still lose against the Ukrainians in the return of the knockout Champions: Hübschman mark the first time and William and Edward in the second half. Borriello you parry a penalty cover 1-0, Mexes sent off for two yellow cards in 41 '. The team of Montella too nervous in the final result becomes severe for a erroraccio Rosi
LONDON, March 8, 2011 - The Rome greets the Champions League in the cold evening of Donetsk, Ukraine. Lost, as the first leg, against Shakhtar, this time for 3-0: determine the first-half goals from Hübschman and Willian and Eduardo in the second half. They needed a miracle, or at least a series of favorable events for violating the Donbass Arena - the Shaktar not lose at home to 55 games - is not arrived. Because the episodes that have hurt the Roma, who has also made his own, with some ingenuity too. He could not miss anything, the team of Montella, who had no margin for error after 2-3 at the Olimpico, but instead earned the first goal too easily, then missed a penalty - with Borriello - and lost so Mexes expulsion for severe But then De Rossi and Borriello could keep him company before returning to the locker room after having committed a clear violation of the Ukrainian captain, Srna, guilty of mocking his opponents. And so the knockout stages become the terminus for the European course of the yellow and red, which will now have to dive back in the league, and is waiting for the derby against Lazio on Sunday in search of redemption.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Results round knockout PLAY-OFF:
MassimoS | -MicheleF/AntonioV | 78,5 | -74,5 |
MimmoS | -GiovanniL | 73 | -77,5 |
RoccoD | -MassimoL | 68 | -65 |
FrancescoD | -GiuseppeN | 64,5 | -62,5 |
MassimoS | MicheleF / AntonioV |
MimmoS | GiovanniL |
RoccoD | MassimoL |
FrancescoD | GiuseppeN |
Overall Ranking Return:
1, | MassimoS |
| |
2° | MimmoS | 642 | |
3° | VitoB | 637,5 | |
4° | FrancescoS | 634,5 | |
5° | RoccoD | 617,5 | |
6° | FrancescoD | 615 | |
7° | GiovanniL | 604 | |
8° | Massim.Losacco | 587 | |
9° | Falco/Valentini | 581.5 | |
10 ° | Joseph | 571.5 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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Double Sculli, Lazio Palermo Cosmi is
The last 18 '
The debut of the technical rosanero soon turns into a defeat: Sculli strikes at the 7 'and 18', always assist by Ledesma. Then Reja's team is limited to control and likely very little, and Shepherd Ilicic off, few opportunities for guests. It ends 2-0, with biancazzurri that you take the fourth place
LONDON, March 6, 2011 - A force for wanting to see the glass half full, Zamparini can console themselves with the fact that they have taken in less than five goals last week. Cosmi's debut in Palermo, however, is anything but triumphant, Lazio won 2-0 and virtually closes in 18 minutes practicing with a brace from Sculli. The Rosanero, perhaps shaken by seven goals from Udinese and remedied by the change on the bench does not show ever to be able to reopen the game, so that the recovery in Lazio beyond control. And to rest ahead of the derby. So the protagonist is Sculli, although bait to start shooting. The Lazio takes fourth place in the standings, coming to Naples, Palermo does not emerge from the crisis.
Muslera Biava 6.5 7.0 6.0 RADU STAIRCASE BANNER 5.5 to 0.5 6.0 to 0.5 GARRIDO - Brescia - LEDESMA C. Matuzalem 6.5 7.0 +2.0 7.0 +6.0 SCULL GONZALEZ Hernanes 6.0 6.0 5.0 Floccari Zárate 6.5 to 0.5
Sirigu 5.5 - Balzaretti BOVO 2.0 6.5 5.5 5.5 CASSANI MUNOZ 4.0 to 0.5 5.5 to 0.5 MIGLIACCIO LIVERANI Andjelkovic 5.0 6.0 5.5 NOCERINO SHEPHERD Acquah ILICIC 6.5 5.0 - 5.5 HERNANDEZ PAOLUCCI 5.0
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Out: Donato, FrancescoD, GiuseppeP, Vitomir., Michelangelo
race began at 18:55 and ended at 20:10.
Gladiators now on for 3-0 with Mimmo MimmoZ and (2), but the Lions tie with FrancescoB (2) and Gennaro 3-3. MimmoZ (with Nicolai deviation) scores the 4-3 provisional, but Massimo 4-4 draw on . Gladiators still stretch with Vito. RoccoD and Mimmo (2) ( 8-4), but the Lions take advantage of the blackout of the opponents to score eight goals in a row with FrancescoB (3), Gennaro (3), Nicola and Massimo on a penalty kick: 8-12. Gladiators
But there are, and mark another ten consecutive MimmoS networks (4), MimmoZ (3), Vito (2) and RoccoD: 18-12. In the end there's three other networks of the Lions, but the result remains fixed on finbale 18-15.
Best of The Gladiators: Vito and MimmoZ
Best of Lions: Gennaro and FrancescoB.
DE WIN THE GLADIATORS: 50 (165 points)
Draws: 15
VICTORIES OF RESET / LIONS: 58 (189 points)
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Inter Milan 5 posts per
Comeback devastating, Genoa ko
The Nerazzurri beat 5-2 the rossoblùs with a spectacular recovery. After falling behind to goals from Palacio, overturning the result with Pazzini, a brace from Samuel Eto'o and stretch with Pandev and Nagatomo. Boselli of the last flicker Ligurian
LONDON, March 6, 2011 - Almost did it on purpose. Deceives the opponent and then he breaks down. Hurts his fans and then repays them with spectacular reaction. But above all do not spring the trap from Milan remains there, to 5 points. Inter in the first half played under all the goals and undergoes Palacio. But in the second half after Leonardo's whip, with a devastating reaction paves the rossoblùs inversion between the 5 'and 6' with the result Pazzini and Eto'o. But never satisfied, so, in succession, come the new feat of Cameroon, the network of Pandev and the jewel of Nagatomo - first goal in Italy - to the delight of many fans of the Rising Sun rushed to Meazza. Rather disconcerting evidence of Genoa, who started with the desire to split the world, but scaled down by the fury of Inter. Useless, but nice, the header for the 5-2 final Boselli, Carlo Kingdom, substitute the suspended Ballardini, part of the final.
CHIVU 6.0 to 2.0 5.5 6.0 LUCIO MAICON Nagatomo 6.5 7.0 +1.0 +3.0 FROG Kharja 6.0 6.0 7.0 +1.0 Sneijder STANKOVIC 5.5 6.0 THIAGO MOTTA J. ZANETTI ETO'O Pandev 6.0 8.5 +6.0 7.0 +3.0 6.5 +3.0 PAZZINI
EDUARDO L. ANTONELLI 4.0 to 5.0 CHICO 6.0 - 6.0 DAINELLI KALADZE MORETTI 4.5 to 0.5 5.5 7.0 RED PALACIO MESTO 5.5 5.5 Ma Rafinha Kuck 6.0 6.0 6.0 Konka PALOSCO 6, 0 +4.0 +3.0 6.0 BOSELLI
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Friday at 20:45
Lecce-Roma 1-2
Giacomazzi (Munari assists)
Pizarro on a penalty kick
Saturday at 20:45
Juventus-Milan 0 -1
Gattuso (Ibrahimovic assists)
Sunday at 12:30
-Cesena 2-3 Sampdoria
Giaccherini (Parolo assists)
Maccarone penalty spot
Sunday at 15:00
Bologna-Cagliari 2-2
Di Vaio on a penalty kick
Cossu (Naingolaan assists)
Ragatzu (Lazzari assists)
Chievo-Parma 0-0
Fiorentina-Catania 3-0
Mutu (Gilardino assists)
Mutu Gilardino
(Montolivo assists)
Inter -Genoa 5-2
Pazzini (Maicon assists)
Eto'o Eto'o
Pandev (Sneijder assists)
Boselli (Palacio assists)
Napoli-Brescia 0-0
Udinese- Bari 1-0
Di Natale on rigorous
Sunday at 20:45
-Lazio 2-0 Palermo
Sculli (C. Ledesma assists)
Sculli (C. Ledesma assists)
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off Gattuso AC Milan Juventus
flies to 61 points
deserved victory for the Rossoneri after having failed twice with Ibra and Cassano's first-half, are in second-half goals by midfielder
TURIN, March 5, 2011 - If you have a goal we will tell the next championship and last 10 league games, but certainly that of Gattuso, in Turin against Juventus, it was a goal as heavy as a boulder. Planted on the ambitions of getting back to Inter and Napoli, who tomorrow will take the field - with a game in hand - to -8 and -9, respectively leaders from Milan. But even more unfortunate planted on the season della Juventus, sconfitta per la nona volta in campionato e terza consecutiva, e chissà, forse un colpo definitivo per la panchina di Delneri, contestato dai tifosi e incapace di spremere almeno una prestazione di buon livello dai suoi ragazzi: la Juve non ha mai impensierito Abbiati in 95 minuti.
ABBIATI 6,0 ABATE 6,5 JANKULOVSKI 6,5 NESTA 6,5 THIAGO SILVA 6,5 FLAMINI 6,0 GATTUSO 7,0+2,5 SEEDORF BOATENG van Bommel from 6.0 to 0.5 6.0 6.0 5.0 CASSANO IBRAHIMOVIC 6.0 +0.5 5.5 ROBINHO
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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Vucinic-Pizarro, Roma ok
But Lecce is tamed only to 90 '
The advance of the 28th day confirmed that the area of \u200b\u200bSalento is very difficult this year: the advantage in the first half of Vucinic said Giacomazzi in the second half. Then at the last minute on a penalty kick victory procured by Borriello and transformed by the Chilean
LECCE, March 4, 2011 - AS Roma won the day, but how hard. The win against Lecce came only 90 ', thanks to an invention that the head of Borriello found the raised arm of Munari. A coup because the referee whistled a penalty kick Damato was easy. Pizarro made it 2-1 after the networks Giacomazzi Vucinic and seemed to have decided the game. Because of the looming it seemed that was the fairest result for what we have seen.
BRIVIO ROSE 5.5 to 2.0 5.0 6.0 FABIANO RISPOLI GUSTAVO 5.0 to 0.5 6.5 + 5.5 Giacomazzi OLIVERA MUNARI 3.0 5.5 +0.5 6.5 6.0 VIVES GROSSMULLER CORVI 5.5 6.0 5.0 Jeda Chevanton -
A. 6.0 to 1.0 N. Burdisso 6.0 5.5 DRAWERS JUAN Mexes 5.5 6.0 5.0 RIIS BRIGHI 5.5 to 0.5 6.0 to 0.5 Menez DE ROSSI - PERROTTA PIZARRO 5.5 to 0.5 6.5 +3.0 TADDEI ROD. BORRIELLO VUCINIC 5.0 6.0 6.5 +3.0
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Ranieri shot zero
'Dignity is not a check'
After dimisssioni of the term of Genoa-Roma 4-3 finished with Roma leading 3-0 at half time, the former coach of Roma Claudio Ranieri did not wait for the end of the season and in a ' interview with the Express not mince words to comment on his departure to coach AS Roma who left many legacies and clearly created controversy within many of the world Rome .
It starts from the 'last picture with Ranieri explains the post-Genoa Roma: ' flies to Rome to Genoa. It goes to 3-0 and eventually you come back. In the locker room ad my goodbye to the players. I thank them one by one. I greet them. None FIATA. It was necessary that the players had no more excuses or scapegoats. We will discuss with each other. I understand they have done '. Resignation by Roma coach Ranieri to have cost one million euro : ' Dignity is not a check . In Turin, where the feeling was not the same, I am made to pay. Here it was different, I would no longer have to face '.
The situation also deteriorated due to corporate many voices that have destabilizing the environment 'The rumors of an imminent change at the top have confused the environment, losing sight of the goal - Ranieri said - I made an error of generosity. I told myself I remain . Fight. My renewal? It was not possible, but I was interested in respect. The investiture on my future would be mainly a direct signal to the team. When 20 people know that you are poised to maintain the overall harmony is firmness of mind '. A chaos that eventually grew with the near certainty of American owners: 'There were too many voices. Too much false information, perhaps comes Angelini, Angelucci signing tomorrow. The news of the landing American final spread chaos. The machine is then finished off the road and stopped '.
an untenable situation with too many players unhappy with external published their disappointment: ' There were reactions that were punished. Calci grants, long faces and lip on live TV to be penalized for an example . It has not happened and has given a pass to anarchy. I am not a personal trainer, I train 25 people. Totti? Play it again four minutes, was affected. Play who is informed and Totti is a sample that in a minute, can change the face and the way to a game. However we have never had a fight. Francis is the flag of Rome . And in the locker room is probably much more than just than appears '.
It then goes on to speak of the individual to understand in detail what was the real problem with each of them: ' Doni put out ? Julio Sergio is a very good goalkeeper - replies Ranieri - Borriello ? always wanted to play, but it is not that the owner was constantly Milan. I do it from the first minute, with Napoli does not see a ball. Two days after we analyze the race, I see him and says, 'I was tired, mister, I came from three consecutive games'. I do not understand, but maybe I am slow. If you are tired, why do I get to play the fourth and fifth consecutive game? ' . Clear thinking, decisive, direct outside leaving no room for interpretation: ' Pizarro? David has long had knee problems. Since the summer had trained and badly. He was not ready. The more I defended giving him time to heal, I found more innuendo in the newspapers everyday. Because I'm not an idiot, I have taken many times by : 'You have a problem with me? I've treated you badly? Tell me in the face, 'If I made a wrong I'm not afraid to admit it. They did so, not since yesterday. He said, 'No, mister. No problem '.
huge difference between the Pizarro and Nicolas Burdisso : ' Pizarro never look at me in the eye . What can I say? I am different, for me sincerity is essential. If I have to make a name that I remember with pleasure is di Burdisso. Un giorno parlai con la squadra. 'Ho una convinzione. Si gioca bene in base a come ci si allena'. E lui, pronto: 'No mister, si gioca come si vive'. Burdisso non si nasconde. Ti guarda sempre negli occhi ' .
(foto © LaPresse)
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Cadena Ser: "Volevano accoltellare Mou
Ferita una guardia del corpo"
Secondo la ricostruzione della radio spagnola, la scorsa settimana all'aeroporto di La Coruna una guardia del corpo del tecnico del Real, avvicinatosi a un gruppo di tifosi per degli autografi, ha avvertito una pugnalata (4 cm di ferita). Il tecnico non si è accorto di nulla
MADRID (Spagna), 4 marzo 2011 - Nuovo polverone attorno a José Mourinho. Con mistero, un po’ di sangue e la solita scia polemica. Ieri notte dopo la partita col Malaga la trasmissione radiofonica sportiva più seguita di Spagna, El Larguero della Cadena Ser, ha raccontato un episodio avvenuto sabato scorso a La Coruña.
Friday, March 4, 2011
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28^ GIORNATA (4-6 marzo 2011)
Andata Ottavi di Finale:
MassimoS | -MicheleF/AntonioV |
MimmoS | -GiovanniL |
RoccoD | -MassimoL |
FrancescoD | -GiuseppeN |
Free: VitoB and FrancescoS.
Overall Ranking Return:
1, | VitoB |
| |
2 ° | MimmoS | 570.5 | |
3 ° | MassimoS | 570 | |
4 ° | FrancescoS | 570 | |
5 ° | FrancescoD | 552 | |
6 ° | RoccoD | 551 | |
7 ° | GiovanniL | 526.5 | |
8° | Massim.Losacco | 522 | |
9° | Giuseppe | 509 | |
10° | Falco/Valentini | 507 |
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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E c'è anche una denuncia
Il difensore del Deportivo Pereira, assurto alle cronache internazionali per avere provocato la morte di un volatile con un calcio dato sul campo, pagherà anche una piccola multa. Ma le autorità ciolombiane l'hanno denunciato alla giustizia ordinaria per maltrattamento di animali: rischia una nuova sanzione e fino a 45 giorni di carcere
BOGOTA' (Colombia), 3 marzo 2011 - Due giornate di squalifica e una multa di 560 dollari. È la sanzione inflitta dalla commissione disciplinare della Lega calcio colombiana a Josè Luis Moreno, difensore panamense del Deportivo Pereira, reo di avere rifilato un calcio al gufo-mascotte dell'Atletico Junior durante il match del campionato locale giocato lo scorso weekend. Il rapace è poi morto in una clinica veterinaria a causa di una miopatia da cattura. "Quello di Moreno è stato un atto crudele - si legge nel comunicato della Lega calcio colombiana -. L'animale era praticamente un simbolo della tifoseria di Barranquilla e, considerato che l'aggressione occurred in their stadium, the fact can be considered a provocation. "
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The match began with the Montebello in search of goals at once, even for redemption after a poor figure due to the defeat last Sunday.
At 20 'beautiful free-kick from the edge of the parade kicked well from Baldiotti goalkeeper.
Five minutes later a great shot from the edge of Scalzolaro just high over the crossbar.
On 35 'reaches the goal of Montebello Baldiotti directly produced by a free-kick.
the 55 'comes with a great goal the doubling of Biasin M. that displaces the goalkeeper and scored the third goal with Montebello Laveder, bagging the ball with a shot into the top corner.
The fourth center still arrive with M. Biasin, unmarked box from a very good step by Vivian.
At 76 'chance of Vivian directly from a corner by goalkeeper parade is.
Excellent match our captain Maraschin: good as well as arbitration.
Montebello 4
Bellaguardia 0
MONTEBELLO: Pasin, Scalzolaro, BIASIN M. 53' e 67' (70' Casarotto), Poli, Pellizzaro, Festugato R., Maraschin, Folco (65' Lazzaro), Vivian (77' Battanoli I.), BALDIOTTI 35' (77' Battanoli D.), Frizzo (56' LAVEDER 57'). 12 Capitanio 15 Biasin C (All. Perlotto Roberto)
BELLAGUARDIA: Pelanda, Schiavo, Micheletti, Concato, Nicoletti, Pivotto (55' Vicariotto), Mecenero, Sandona, Fanton, Bancaro (60' Cariolato), Creazzo. 12 Zambon 13 Mistrorigo 16 Zamberlan 16 Cecchinato 18 Eyeh (All. Sandonà Andrea).
Arbitro: Guglielmi di Schio.
Almisano - Ariston New 2009 3-4
Altair Anthea - House Fosser Bertesina 1-3
Gazzo - There Postojna 2000 2-1
Montebello - Bellaguardia 4-0
P. Orgiano - Elettrosonor Gambellara 0-4
Grisignano POL - Stanga 2-1 Real
S. Zeno - Grumolo 1-0
Rest: Brogliano
Elettrosonor Gambellara 44 - Real S. Zeno 41 - Montebello 37 - Pillar Orgiano 33 - Gazzo 31 - Altair 28 - 2009 27 New Ariston - House Fosser Bertesina 25 - Stanga 22 - Pol. Grisignano 20 - Bellaguardia 19 - Brogliano 18 - Grumolo, Almisano 13 - VI Postumia 2000 10.
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The ASL 8 Cagliari index of competition, based on qualifications and examinations,
No cover for 6 posts of Director of Administration.
deadline: March 24, 2011
download the announcement
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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Brogliano - Altavilla 0-6
Montebello - La Contea 2-2
N.C. Grancona - Sovizzo 2-8
San Vitale 1995 - Montecchio S. Pietro 3-0
Riposa: Alte Ceccato
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final day results:
RoccoD-MicheleF/AntonioV | 72 -70 | ||
FrancescoS-MassimoS | 78 -67 | ||
MassimoL-GiovanniL | 64 -60 | ||
FrancescoD-VitoB | 69 -69 | ||
MimmoS-GiuseppeN | 77.5 -71 |
Championship Final Standings:
1, |
| 51 | |
2 ° | FrancescoS | 47 | |
3 ° | MassimoS | 45 | |
4 ° | FrancescoD | 41 | |
5° | RoccoD | 40 | |
6° | MimmoS | 36 | |
7° | GiovanniL | 35 | |
8° | Massim.Losacco | 28 | |
9° | Giuseppe | 27 | |
10° | Falco/Valentini | 16 |
1° | VitoB |
| |
2° | MimmoS | 570.5 | |
3 ° | MassimoS | 570 | |
4 ° | FrancescoS | 570 | |
5 ° | FrancescoD | 552 | |
6 ° | RoccoD | 551 | |
7 ° | GiovanniL | 526.5 | |
8 ° | Massim.Losacco | 522 | |
9 ° | Joseph | 509 | |
10 ° | Falco / Valentini | 507 |
next round
Round First knockout round:
MassimoS | -MicheleF/AntonioV |
MimmoS | GiovanniL- |
RoccoD | -MassimoL |
FrancescoD | -GiuseppeN |
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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The Municipality of Alghero index the following qualifications and competitions
exams, which cover:
a place to instructor computer - cat . C - diploma
five-year computer expert or other equivalent diploma;
a place of technical instructor - cat. C - diploma of surveyor;
an instructor instead of the administrative and accounting - cat. C -
graduated high school in five years.
deadline: March 24, 2011
download the competition notices