Moratti convocato in Procura
dopo l'esposto della Juventus

Il 31 marzo il presidente dell'Inter sarà sentito dal procuratore federale Palazzi, "nell'ambito dell'istruttoria relativa all'esposto Juventus sull'assegnazione dello scudetto 2005-06"
ROMA, 8 marzo 2011 - Il Procuratore federale Stefano Palazzi ha convocato per il 31 marzo il presidente dell’Inter Massimo Moratti. La convocazione è relativa all’inchiesta che si è aperta dopo la diffusione di alcune telefonate tra lo stesso Moratti, l’ex presidente dell’Inter Giacinto Facchetti e i designatori dell'epoca Paolo Bergamo e Pierluigi Pairetto (le famose telefonate a Calciopoli). They relate to the 2004-05 season and Juventus had submitted a complaint to challenge the award to Inter Scudetto 2006, removed to Juventus, just after the dissemination of these phone calls. There are also calls from Facchetti with former referee Massimo De Santis designator former assistants Gennaro Mazzei. These are calls that the defense of the accused in the process of Naples Calciopoli identified among more than 170 thousand and up to now not included in the pleadings. At the last hearing in February, the expert of the Court, Roberto Porto, had handed over the transcripts, and now even the federal prosecutors have available. Palazzi has heard the same events Bergamo and Pairetto Mazzei. He had also asked former referee Danilo Nucini to be heard, but for now the former race director (who is no longer affiliated) has not guaranteed his presence. Instead, it will certainly be in Naples on Court 15 with Gianfelice Facchetti.
Moratti answered in Buildings
"My concocazione is ridiculous"

Moratti answered in Buildings: "I respect his work but the call of ' Inter is ridiculous "
Today Inter celebrates 103 years since the foundation:" It's beautiful already thinking the history of Inter - says the president - a gift to me is already making the team with his attitude at this time, it seems to me that this is a good thing, the fact that the team will continue to maintain the character and dignity necessary ". Calciopoli and then a joke about the convening of Buildings:" With all due respect to buildings, which rightly does what he must do, is ridiculous but the fact that Inter, in my person, should stand for this. "
Moggi attacks: Moratti?
He pretends nothing, talking nonsense

The former leader Juventus to Inter president answers: "Maybe he has not read the intercepts. Maybe he does not remember who called his office Tavaroli that Tavaroli Facchetti tasked with Cipriani. Calciopoli? Does not exist. Of 170 thousand phone calls have considered only 40. De Laurentiis? It confuses and contradicts himself. The football was not clean? It's good to raise his voice but so will the third Rome '
TURIN, March 9 - did not go down to the declaration of Luciano Moggi Massimo Moratti, Inter president issued this morning, on the convening of Buildings on the question of revision of the 2005-2006 Scudetto Inter assigned ("It's ridiculous che l'Inter venga convocata» , ha detto il n° 1 del club meneghino ndr): «Moratti dice che chiamare l’Inter è ridicolo? Forse non ha letto le intercettazioni. Forse - ha detto l'ex dg della Juve sulle frequenze di Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli - non ricorda che ha chiamato nel suo ufficio Tavaroli, che Tavaroli con Facchetti hanno incaricato Cipriani. Fa finta di niente e parla tanto per parlare. Cosa è Calciopoli dopo cinque anni? Non è successo proprio niente. Di 170mila telefonate ne hanno prese solo quaranta e tutte della Juventus. Le altre, sono tutte irrilevanti. Era irrilevante quando Facchetti diceva a Bertini "fammi vincere la partita di Coppa Italia col Cagliari" a Cagliari nel 2008 e guarda then when Inter won the Italian Cup and then the Fed would have to remove it. It was irrelevant when it said the designator "Moratti passes for office must give you a gift." But it was significant that a company is to defend these things. "
ON NAPLES De Laurentiis - Then Moggi says its also on the words of De Laurentiis, who yesterday spoke of a Naples that bothers: "De Laurentiis has been wrong before and wrong now. He has been wrong before, when he said that "football is more clean." Football, remember, was always clean and has never been dirty. He is wrong now, saying that there no one wants Naples is confused and contradicts himself. If there nobody wants to Napoli, it means that football is not clean: the two, one. De Laurentiis, who must decide the right way to go with Zamparini and not agree that at times when something comes against. When wrong things happen, they are all on one side. When things go normally, then we say that the errors of the referees are merely the result of randomness. The truth is that the referees are not people that trick, but when they face Inter, Roma and AC Milan get up off my hat, but they do so unintentionally. It is called "psychological subjection." De Laurentiis is right to ask for more attention, but it hurt in the past when he said that referees are all good and if mistakes are just cases. The referees make mistakes as they have always wrong. De Laurentiis is good now to gain respect. The full draw? When the Verona won the championship, I came second with Torino. I did lose a home game, just with the Verona, for three to two. The problem does not displace too much: if you speak this language, it also accuses those who make the nominations. We must be careful not to say that it is appropriate at the time agrees. The full draw should be enough or always or never, and not only when it suits. "
JUVE AND RETURN TO FIGHTING CHAMPIONS - Finally, the former Juventus director general speaks of a possible return to Turin: "If I come back to Juve? I feel so good that I do not think about these things. I'm sorry for Juve, I wanted to go to watch the race with Milan but then my family advised me not to go. I have avoided but I thank the public for all the attention they have placed in me. Obviously I did a good job. Fighting Champions? Napoli will come fourth, the third Rome. It is in the charts, but this is my thought. I said before the season that Milan would win the Scudetto. Now, I say that the Roma can reach Naples and the third quarter. I hope for the blues which could also finish third, but I believe little. The Rome, in the four to be sure there is my impression. If the Giallorossi receive assistance? I do not know that. They are thoughts that one does wake up in the morning. "
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